
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

December Sensory Tub & Playdough - Christmas

I LOVE this time of year and am so excited to get going on all the fun holiday activities & crafts! I'm hoping to blog a bit more often to get in all I want to share. :)

First up... homemade playdoughI scented the dough with peppermint extract - yum!! James is going to be SO excited to see (and smell) his new red dough and Christmas cookie cutters.

Next... the Christmas sensory tub! I've been so anxious to make this since I planned it out months ago. :)
Truth be told, it didn't turn out exactly as I expected. I planned on making red and green rice, but I just couldn't get the colors I wanted and instead the rice looked more like something for Easter. So, I went with just plain white (think snow). :)

Here's what I put in the tub:
White rice
Colored jingle bells
Mini candy canes (pipe cleaners bent and curved)
Bowtie pasta dyed red
Pom poms
Mini wrapping bows
Tiny (fake) tree lights
A wee little angel
2 "boxes" (Santa and Christmas tree) - James is going to LOVE these!
And finally a little present, which I wrapped. I put a jingle bell in it so it makes noise when James shakes it. :)

If any of you end up making a sensory tub, let me know - I'd love to see it!

PS: I added a new slideshow to my sidebar - it shows many of the trays I've made during our Tot School journey thus far. Check back often as I'm always adding more!


  1. LOL ~ first the button tree, now playdough. Turbo and I just made green peppermint playdough tonight. He can't wait to play tomorrow. We're coloring rice tomorrow too. Any tips on what not to do? :-)

  2. Super Mari-Ann!! we have one with play-doh too!!, I love the other one with rice!!!... you know what?, we never try it....I'm thinking....mmmm!!!lol Thanks for share!!

  3. Love the Christmas sensory tub! I'm going to add some holiday items to our rice bin now - thanks for the inspiration. :)

  4. Love the sensory tub!!!! Great idea for Christmas. I hope you will consider linking this idea up to y Christmas Fun Linky it's too fun not to share around.

    YOu have a nice blog, I'm now following. :)

  5. Thanks for you comments!!

    Susan, all I can say is "great minds"!! :) As for the rice, I think I could've achieved the perfect coloring if a) I had A LOT more food coloring (or maybe a different brand?) and b) more time to blend it.
    Kylie, you bet I'll link up!

  6. We just did a sensory tub today also. We used cotton balls instead of rice. Yours looks like a lot of fun!

  7. How fun! I love the sensory activities!

    P.S.--You are one of the winners of the Pay It Forward giveaway...Congratulations! Please, e-mail me your shipping address. Thanks!

  8. Could I get the recipe for the playdoh? Thanks!

  9. These look like fun!! I wish I could play with them! LOL

  10. I love, love, LOVE these ideas!!! Thank you! And thanks for posting the slide show on your sidebar--that's so cool. I have to get busy and get some supplies together now!

  11. Izzie, Mac & Me - I'm so excited I won! And I just sent you an email with the playdough recipe. :)
    Debbie, you're very welcome - I'm so glad you liked the slideshow!


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