
Sunday, January 24, 2010


This week is going to be a "crunch week" for me and since I have more than usual going on I need to step away from blogging, commenting and the lovely Google Reader in order to focus on these other things right now. Hope you all have a wonderful week!

James and his friend stopping to enjoy the view.


  1. We all need this at times. I will be praying for you. I hope you get the rest that you are needing and that you are able to work out the things going on right now. See you when you get back. Have a loveley next couple of days.

  2. Thanks, Angela, that's very sweet of you. No worries though, my break isn't a sad thing - I just have a lot going on with my training, appointments, crafting and also my hubs is rebuilding my computer, which means I won't have access to anything for a few days. :)

  3. enjoy your vacation away from the internet!! :)

  4. That is important for everyone to do! Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Have a great break :-) I will miss your posts :-)

  6. Glad to hear it isn't anything major keeping you away. Hope you get lots accomplished. Blessings.

  7. Even though I have no idea what TTFN is, enjoy your break! James should be getting a little card in the mail within a week!! ;o)

  8. I remember saying TTFN when I was in high school!

    I hope you have a productive week and achieve everything you hope to.

  9. I understand! But don't do this to me! (LOL!) I just saw your comment on my blog (The Coffee Shop) and I was just going to invite you to grab a cup of coffee and stay a little bit longer .... Do not worry, there will always be time for that, in the mean time I will be reading more from your blog ... it looks like a lot of fun and very interesting too!

    Take your time...

  10. Hi! Just wanted to let you know I have an award for you on my blog!
    Have a nice day!

  11. Thank you for the well wishes! I'm getting SO much done during this break, but having a hard time staying away... ;)

  12. At first I read this and thought NOOOO! But then I saw you posted since you wrote this. Heheh, just couldn't stay away, could you? I'm glad!


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