
Thursday, December 9, 2010

December Poetry Basket

Ever since I read about the poetry basket My Montessori Journey created for her classroom, I knew it was something we needed to add to our school time. I'm an avid poetry reader and have been reading verses to James since he was in my tummy. :) I didn't have a chance to add this to my recent On Our Shelves post, but I wanted to share it with you all.

The little candle is battery operated and lights up. James anxiously waits for the point in the poem when he can flip the switch to make the candle glow!

There are loads of resources online for poems for any occasion, but I have to admit, I struggle each month to find just the right poem. I need for it to be somewhat short in length, meaningful in content and, ideally, offering some new vocabulary. The biggest challenge is finding a poem that has aspects which I can represent in a tactile form.

Click here and here to see our October and November poetry baskets.

UPDATE TO ADD: After numerous requests, I created a printable copy of this poem for your personal use - click here for the link. :)

~Thank you for your comments!~


  1. My favorite collection was written by Robert Lewis Stevenson, a child's garden of verses (of Treasure Island Fame) has a free e-book but it has beautiful artwork (NC wyeth) and many science topics encompassed (such as day and night traveling around the world)

  2. I have been watching your poetry baskets posts eagerly. This is something I am considering adding to ur room for next year also. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  3. GREAT IDEA! I love it! Do you have this poem on Word or pdf? Would you mind emailing me a copy? I would love ot do this with my 4 yr old!

  4. I love your monthly poem idea. We also do some poetry reading with both of my sons. As of next week we're going to incorporate it in our learning journey. Thanks a lot for sharing your ideas.

  5. I keep telling myself we should do more poetry. I usually think Ogden Nash and Dr. Seuss are enough.

    (visiting from TopMommyBlogs)

  6. this is great! thank you for sharing! is there a way you can share the printable for the poem? so cute! i love your ideas! we made the Christmas felt tree with the buttons and my little 3 year old boy loves it.

  7. I love this! Once again you've inspired me. I've done Bible stories and children's stories using little props before, but I never thought of doing that with a poem. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Great idea!

    Wanted to let you know that I gave you an award on my blog today

  9. I love your December poetry basket! Adding visual and tactile elements to poetry is a perfect way to introduce it to preschoolers. I featured your December poetry basket and other December activities in my Activity of the Week at

  10. I recently read about the poetry baskets on My Montessori Journey, and I think this is something I'll start with my girls in January. I really love this idea, and think they will love it, too!


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