
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Baby Knit In Action

It's such a treat to see my little girl *finally* wearing some of the baby knits I made for her during my pregnancy. She's just about outgrown these little booties! Here she is wearing the milo vest...

Since she arrived I've knitted another bonnet, a cardigan, and a sweet little pair of sheepy pants. I hope to photograph them and come back soon to share with you!

~Thank you for your comments!~


  1. Adorable! I love to crochet and have been wanting to learn to knit!!

  2. Adorable! Must feel great to see something you made on your precious child!

  3. Beautiful; baby and vest of course.

  4. eek! SO CUTE! What a beautiful little baby AND baby vest. :)

  5. She's a cutie! Take some time for YOU. Seriously. I'm wishing I had this last year...feeling burned out. And our 3rd will arrive in March. Good for you for realizing your son's learning style is changing and going with the flow! Can't wait to see what you end up doing with those smaller units/themes. Thanks for sharing!

  6. GOL (Gasp Out Loud<==just made it up). She is so freakin' adorable!!!!

  7. She is beautiful! And so is the vest.

  8. I nominated you for the blog on fire award, come on over to check it out!

  9. They look even cuter on your cute baby.

  10. Wow, what a cutie. She's grown so much already and she looks great in her little vest! Thank you for sharing. :)


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