
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Activity Kits

Our family vacation to the Turks & Caicos is FINALLY just around the corner.

Since we'll be traveling a total of 22 hours, I thought it might be a good idea to pack plenty of things to keep James occupied. If we're lucky he'll sleep on the plane for maybe one hour each way, so there's lots of awake time to account for. With that in mind I created a bunch of activity kits. Within each pouch there's a different activity, several of which James has never seen before. (I'm hoping the element of surprise will prolong the activity's lifespan!)

All of these activities were easy-peasy to put together and the only new thing I bought was the pouches themselves. Ziploc bags work, but I find them to be too flimsy. Here's what I'm bringing...

(As pictured from L-R)
1. Sorting - a variety of items that can be sorted by size, type or color. Obviously we'll be with James while he plays with these choking hazards.
2. Reading cards - these are from the Your Baby Can Read program. James loves them.
3. Planes, trains & automobiles.

4. Open & close activity - James has a fascination with things that have doors, clasps, etc. He'll get a kick out of this stuff.
5. Playdoh & a few tools.
6. Legos - this will be one of those that we play in the airport as I can just see one of the blocks falling on the airplane floor never to be seen again.

7. Lacing cards - he may be too young for these. We'll see.
8. Paper puzzles - got these out of a Kumon activity book. Love Kumon.
9. Mini post-its and stickers w/blank index cards to stick them on. I have loads of stickers from my scrapbooking days.
10. Mini figurines and number sheet. One of James' favorite games. We're working on teaching him numbers 11-20 and this is a fun way to do it. (we ask him to put the snake on #13, the frog on #19, etc.)

11. Lacing numbers - James is crazy about his "nummers".
12. Sesame Street dominos.
13. Flash cards & a deck of Sesame Street cards. Noticing a theme here? James loves all things Sesame, and it just so happens the resort we're going to has the whole Sesame Street gang on site!
14. Crayons & a mini coloring book. Of course. What kid doesn't love to color?!

So, these along with some books and the trusty ol' portable DVD player should be more than enough to keep him entertained. It may seem like too much, but let's face it, no one likes a screaming kid on the airplane, least of all that kid's parents.

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas. We'll be going to South Carolina in a couple of days, just a few hours on a plane but *still*....first plane trip AND first week away from home. We'll need some distractions!!


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