
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Little Bookworm

I recently created a "book nook" for James. A little area where he can get cozy and read to his heart's content. He has another bookcase full of books in his bedroom, so I'm thinking of creating a reading space there as well!

We have lots of books and even though we read 10 or more a day, there are many that rarely see the light of day. So, in addition to our daily reading routine, I decided to feature a different set of books each season for James. Since fall has officially begun I'm going with the whole back to school/apples/Halloween/leaves theme.

Here's what we're reading:
I realized I needed a few more theme books, so here's what I've ordered (should be here next week!!!)...

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say that I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Thank you for being so inspiring to us teachers and early childhood providers!
    PS Another AWESOME fall book is "Leaf Man" (My son - 3 1/2 - aboslutely loves it.)


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