
Friday, November 13, 2009

Crayon Roll-Up

I saw this on one of my favorite blogs, My Montessori Journey. Considering I didn't follow any kind of pattern, I thought it turned out great. Paul actually thought I bought it!

I made a button clasp so it'd be easy for James to open and close.

I'm saving it as one of James' Christmas presents. Almost all his Christmas presents are going to be homemade by me. I think that's pretty cool, but I wonder if he'll feel like Ralphie in A Christmas Story? :)


  1. Look at how crafty you are! I want to start some small projects like this. I think as long as you stay away from the pink bunny suits he won't feel like Ralphie! :)

  2. This is so cute! I made something similar to hold all my crochet hooks in, but it's not nearly as pretty as this crayon roll!!

  3. Thanks, guys! Yes, I think you're right, Cara... the bunny suit would not be a good idea. CUTE, but not good. :)

  4. You did a fabulous job! This would make a super cute stocking stuffer for all the kids in my family! Thanks for linking up. I look forward to seeing more homemade gifts that you've created.

  5. I REALLY need to make one of these! My girl would just love it.


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