
Monday, January 4, 2010

A Friendly Introduction

The other day I introduced the Pink Tower to James.
Pink Tower, James. James, Pink Tower. Nice to meet you.

Hehe the introduction doesn't quite work that way - in fact, it's much more complicated, especially if you follow Gettman's book (which I do). Anyway, James is usually very calm and interested whenever I present a new activity or work, but this time he was so distracted. He putzed with the small cubes for a minute and then found something much more interesting to him...

My David Gettman book.

Now anyone who has read it should have a chuckle (or at least crack a smile) at the fact that James paged through this book for a good 20 minutes! No lie. He wouldn't put it down. For those of you who aren't familiar with this book let me just say that while it's a GREAT resource for Montessori, it's a bit... dry. Not that James was aware of any of that. It's merely a funny coincidence that he enjoyed this particular book. Of course I didn't discourage his looking at the book, but I did offer up one of my other Montessori books with lots of bright pictures of children engaged in meaningful activities. Nope, he wouldn't have it. It was Gettman or nothing.

And forget the Pink Tower.

Later I found him looking at the book again and heard him spelling out m-o-n-t-e-s-s-o-r-i. It was a very special moment for this Montessori mama. :)


  1. That reminds me of Bear at 6 months when I was reading A Hundred Years Of Solitude, she loved crawling over to the book and staring at the cover for long periods of time!

  2. Oh my gosh, that is CLASSIC!! I love the picture of him reading the book right NEXT to the pink tower! Ha! That needs to be sent in to some Montessori publication.

  3. So cute! My son does things like this as well, not reading but the lack of interest in something I present or he tries to put his own spin on things and explore his own way. Then when I try again a few weeks later he might be ready to pay attention. But I guess that's the magic of Montessori method, following the child's lead right?

  4. Mari-Ann, I saw the craft letters you have posted up and I love them. I'd like to do this w/ my son but maybe with numbers. He is able to recognize and name all his letters now and loves doing it but he does not seem interested in numbers. Do you have any recommendations for how to introduce numbers and make them interesting to him?

  5. That is so cute! Just wanted to let you know that your post has totally inspired me to try needle felting and I can't wait to get the materials to start. You've probably seen it but in case not have you checked out this amazing website?
    I was totally blown away!

  6. So funny! Kids can be so hilariuos!

  7. That is so funny and I would be thrilled if my girls would sit and do anything for 20 min. by themselves:) I love that he was sounding out Montessori. That is a happy mom moment for sure!

  8. Great post!
    Made me smile!
    Have a great day!

  9. How sweet! He is Montessori in and out, isn't he? What an adorable story. :)

  10. What a gorgoeus Montessori tale to tell.

    You must have been bursting with pride as he was sounding out Montessori, he is one very clever young man.

  11. hehe this had me cracking up! Don't you just love it when they find something else more interesting the the fun new thing you set out for them :-P


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