
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Me? Really?!

Counting Coconuts was featured in this article as one of the 50 Best Blogs for Early Childhood Education! I can think of about 50 other blogs that are more deserving of this rank, but I'm honored, shocked and thrilled nonetheless! There are some really awesome blogs are in this list, so be sure to check them out.

Truly, I owe thanks to all of you because even though James and I do all of these activities regardless of this blog, it's your interest in what we do and your constant support through comments and emails that keeps me actually wanting to document it all. So....

Thank you!


  1. Congrats! i just recently have been following you and I do believe you should be on the list!

    You do a great job, keep up the wonderful work!


  2. You totally deserve it!

    Jody from Mommy Moment

  3. That is Wonderful Mari-ann!! Congrats to you- you deserve it!

  4. That is so funny. I got the email too and the first thing I thought when I looked is where is Counting Coconuts? She should surely be on there!! Then I realised they had listed you but in a different category. Way to go you soooo deserve it!!

  5. Yes you!!!! Really!!!

    I've told many a stay-at-home mom about your site (as well as many of us workin' moms too).

    You are awesome, and keep up the great posts!!!

  6. YES! YOU! You are such an inspiration and completely deserve the kudos! Congratulations on being highlighted as a best blogger ~~ YOU ARE!

    PS: OMG is James seriously going to be 3 in a few days!?!

  7. Well done M-A!!!
    That is so exciting, & well deserved too.
    You are like a Blog superstar now, I'm so impressed! & you still find the time to comment on my 'lil 'ol blog!
    You should be very proud. xxx

  8. You definately deserve it, you are vert creative and do an amazing job with James. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas!

  9. Congratulations Mari-Anne - you are so very deserving. Way to go you!!

  10. I am not at all surprised to see you on the list. Your blog is full of creative and inpirational ideas. You definitely deserve to be on there and you are in such good company. Congratulations!

    How special that you can have a tradition with your family that was created by your mum. The eggs you painted with wax are stunning. Such a wonderful idea.

    Your Easter sensory tub is so well thought out and special. It looks beautiful too!

  11. yay!! How awesome! WTG :-)

  12. This is absolutely NO SURPRISE to me whatsoever. YES you, OF COURSE you! Ever since I started reading your blog my kid's lives have improved. I mean that! We do many of your activities and thanks to you we have added some Montessori aspects to our home (your self care tray in the bathroom comes to mind).
    Thank YOU for taking the time to generously share all of your ideas with us!

  13. Can you explain to me why you're shocked????? are you kidding??... I'm totally agree!!! You deserve it!! my sweet friend!!! WE LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!

    Congratulations!!! Yeaaaaa!!!
    Big Hugs,

  14. congratulations!! You deserve it. I'm already taking notes for the future.

  15. Congratulations! :) You are on my top ten list, so I'm not at all surprised that you made the top 50 - good for you!!


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Cheers, Mari-Ann :)