
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Raising Playful Tots Index

My day just got a little brighter! Image my surprise when I found out Counting Coconuts was listed on the Raising Playful Tots Index.
What is the Raising Playful Tots Index? Well, in the creator's own words, it's "...a one-stop shop. Compiled in one place are bloggers who love to play. They promote early childhood play with a variety of play activities and inspirational ideas...".

It's truly an honor to be listed amongst so many fantastic blogs. Go now and check out this list - I guarantee you'll find something new and inspiring!


  1. Congratulations!!! I was actually just thinking of you the other day- Braeden is 10 months and I wanted to ask you about some Montessori things that I should start trying with him...either now or in the near future :)

  2. Congratulations!

    You totally deserve it!


  3. Yeah, I also like your new look! Karen
    Sippy Cup Central

  4. Really? You were surprised? :) I'm not! I'd have been surprised if you WEREN'T on that list. For everything you do both on and off this blog you deserve to be on all the lists!


  5. yay congrats to you! You totally deserve it to be on that list! Keep up the amazing work!

  6. Thank you so much for your kind words!
    Sbswtp - I'd be glad to offer ideas, so please feel free to email me privately. :)



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