
Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Bit of Knitting

Since learning to knit this past January, I've been busy creating a variety of small things until I work up the courage to attempt something like this or these. Anyway, seeing as a few of you have very sweetly inquired about my knitting adventures, I thought I'd share what I've been up to...
I made a cute *little* bowl (seriously, this thing is just big enough for a few pairs of earrings) using a bamboo/wool mix and a pattern I found in this book. This was my first time felting a knitted project and I was quite pleased with the results.

This little bird didn't turn out as well as I hoped, but it's fine enough for our nature table and James thinks it's cute. :) I still have to needle felt in the eyes. The yarn is a beautiful handspun wool which I purchased here on Etsy. You can find the easy to follow pattern here.

Here's something I am proud to share - a little drawstring pouch. The pattern can be found in this book. This came together very quickly (just a few hours, which is quick for me anyway!), but I must note that I fingerknitted the drawstrings instead of creating an i-cord. Everyone tells me i-cords are easy to make, but I just can't get the knack of it. I'll revisit it again another day. :)

I posted here about my newest hobby, spinning yarn, and decided to make another (larger) bowl with some of the fiber. It didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. Still very floppy despite my felting it. I think I needed to knit two strands together.

Lots of little fruits. I got the pattern from my favorite magazine's website, Living Crafts. The pattern itself was created by Nicole, of Frontier Dreams. I plan on making more of these so they can be used for counting, our sensory tubs and as tree ornaments.

I'm sharing the good and the bad with you and this hat definitely falls in the category of BAD. I had such high hopes for this hat! I made it for my darling husband and cast on several additional stitches to account for his large and lovable head :) but it ended up being waaaay too big - it's more like a beret! Also, this was my first attempt at creating a seed stitch, a thing which requires focus and concentration, a thing which I am not very good at.

This is my most recent project, my rainbow scarf. I LOVE it! It's super soft, super long (6.5 feet!) and just the right weight for Bermuda. I didn't follow a pattern for this, it's just straight garter stitch. I worked on it during the commute to and from Colorado and I think now it'll always remind me of that trip.

I'm getting a jump start on Christmas and so I'm currently working on a new and improved hat for my love. In this case I'm not even following a pattern (I know, how rebellious of me!) because I think hats are basic enough that you don't really need to. I've cast on a sensible number of stitches, created a bit of ribbing at the bottom and then I'm just going to knit the rest of the way. I should mention that I'm using my favorite go-to method, The Magic Loop. The yarn is Malabrigo, the softest, smooshiest and most economical wool I know of! The very manly colorway is SFO Sky.

Next on my "to make" list is a pair of socks for me (my first attempt!) and then it's on to making Christmas gifts for Paul and James.

Speaking of Christmas, I'm asking Santa if he'd be so kind as to bring me this. It's a wooden swift used for unwinding hanks of yarn into usable balls. For the moment, Paul has been very sweetly offering his hands while I wind my yarn. :)

I'd love to know what knitting adventures you've had lately - link back to your work in the comments or send me an email!

~Thank you for your comments!~


  1. Oh wow! You have created the most beautiful knitted treasures! Your Bluebird is so sweet, thank you for linking to my pattern in Rhythm of the Home and thanks for entering my giveaway on my blog:)

  2. I like your bowls! I think I need to make myself some large felted bowls for the kitchen. :) I'll probably get a post done about my recent finished projects sooner or later, but I just finished my 2nd dress for the munchkin, and I'm halfway through my first pair of socks! I really like the book knit one, embellish too by Cosette Cornelius-Bates for hats - she has such cool embroidery and things on them. I made the lollipop hat for my daughter last year and she loved it! I'm hoping to get into needle felting here sometime this year. Happy crafting!!

  3. Yay for knitting! I just learned how a few weeks ago and I just can't stop creating. I am amazed that you can make all these things already! I am so not confident enough to try my hand at making hats and bags yet. Just scarfs for me for now. I love your creations, it makes me want to give other things a try (other than scafs, lol).

  4. Just wondering - how did you learn to knit? I don't know how, but I think it would be fun to learn.

  5. Thanks so much, ladies!

    Musical Mama, I will definitely check out that book. I've been wanting to learn how to embroider, too.

    Sunshine Mama, during my first couple of months as a knitter I only knit scarves, too! Hats and bags are surprisingly easy, especially when you use the Magic Loop method!

    Christy, if you don't know how to knit you MUST learn!! :) It's such a wonderfully relaxing skill to know. I went to a local beginning knitters class, but truthfully I learned (and in some cases re-learned - my teacher wasn't very good) everything via the many, many amazing how-to videos on YouTube. HTH :)

  6. Wow, for a beginner knitter you certainly are advancing quickly! I'm still stuck in the beginner knitter squares & rectangles stage...and I've been at it for several years! I must get myself to a high speed internet connection so that I can access YouTube and learn some new skills. Dial-up is ridiculously cumbersome!

    Beautiful work :-)

  7. amazing! I love them all! To bad the hat was to big! I have such a huge desire to learn how to knit.. but I don't know anyone (personally *ahem*) that knows how. I am very visual so I know I need to find someone to teach me how! Any trips planned to VA ;-)

  8. Ha! If it were me I'd be proud to say I knitted any one of these things! You did a beautiful job on ALL of them and I'm sure Paul's newest hat will be perfect. :)

  9. Oh, tlo have your carfty talents! I never learned the first thing about knitting and can barely sew. I dream of learning such handicrafts alongside my kids as they get older.

    And, I simply love all your inspiration on this blog! So, I gave you an award at


  10. I adore your scarf, it is beautiful! Now we all need to see you model it.. and maybe the hat/beret too??? :)

  11. I'm working on several sweater patterns right now to have up for fall! Just discovered your blog and LOVE it! Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. I'm working on several sweater patterns right now to have up for fall! Just discovered your blog and LOVE it! Thanks so much for sharing!

  13. SO loving the fruits! you did such a great job!

  14. I'm new to knitting too! I'm still on a bit of a learning curve...I have yet to learn to increase, so I'm feeling a bit limited. Seeing all of your projects is inspiring, And spinning too, (that's on my wish list). Thank you for sharing all of your knitted treasures...and where to get the patterns! I think I may just make some of those sweet little knitted fruits for our nature table! How sweet!
    xo maureen

  15. Eeeeek! Your fruit came out so cute!! As did everything else! You're really helping me get my knitting mojo back :)

  16. I love your little creations and have never attempted to knit a toy, the bird is so sweet, must add it to my to try list :)


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