
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Time 4 Learning Review

We recently had the opportunity to try out the web based learning site, Time 4 Learning, and I'm so pleased to pass on a positive review of it - we give it four thumps up (two from me, two from James)! :)

James uses the PreK program and LOVES it. There is so much to explore within this site - everything from ABC's & 123's to manners & the concepts of time. There are themes, too, such as space, on the farm, and vehicles. There's also an area where you can listen to stories, make music, and draw pictures. James really enjoys the memory and measuring games and got a kick out of creating his own calendar. Seriously, there are just a lot of really great tools here.

For parents and teachers there are lesson plans, a reports area where you can see what your child has worked on, and a helpful forum where you can connect with other educators. I noticed they have curricula available for homeschoolers and supplemental afterschool and summer learning programs, too.

I'll be honest, in general, I'm not a huge fan of electronic based learning, but I feel totally comfortable with James using Time 4 Learning's Pre K program. Check it out for yourself, I think you'll agree it deserves all four thumbs!

~Thank you for your comments!~


  1. Great review! Glad James liked it :-)

  2. We use too. It has been great for our son. Glad you enjoyed it too!!!

    (love your tubs too) :^)

  3. How would you say this compares with Starfall?

  4. @Rebecca: Well, you can't beat free, which is the case with Starfall and I think Starfall has some unique things to offer that T4L doesn't. That said, however, Time4Learning has a lot more content to choose from overall. Unfortunately the monthly fee is a bit much for my taste (and our budget!).

  5. I have to admit that I don't share your opinion on this one, but we used K curriculum, and I found it really slow with a bad user interface. I did see that preK is laid out way differently.

  6. Loved your T4L review & your cutie pie James too :) My Morgan is only 2 months older & he really likes playing what he called the "Mouse"
    Ya'know you should also give
    A quick look see~>Its A FREEBIE!!
    I luv the free stuff ;)


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