
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Turkey Playdough

I've dedicated our November playdough to the American Thanksgiving holiday coming up later this month.

I simply created some brown playdough (see my sidebar for the recipe) and gathered some feathers and googly eyes together in a basket.

James thought this turkey making business was hilarious!!He named his turkey "Old Featherhead". :0)

~Thank you for your comments!~


  1. cute turkey!

    for novembers playdough here we made cranberry playdough and colored it using the juice from real cranberries! my 4 year old loves it and loved making it!

  2. Very cute!~! Emily would enjoy this and I just made some pumpkin spice play dough that would be perfect with this project :0)

  3. Ok I need to make some playdoh tonight after seeing this! Sooo cute! LOVE the name James picked out. :)

  4. That's great--I love it! I so want to try this one with Gabriela! I think my other 2 would like it as well.

  5. I love that you do different playdough for the different months. I may have to start doing this :)

  6. I had this same exact idea for November - just haven't gotten around to executing it yet. :) He's so cute, I think I'll make some time to get the playdough made today.

  7. Funny, we just did this at preschool this morning. The kids had fun with it.

  8. Awesome!

    I gave you an award!

  9. hehe love it!! Love James' name for his turkey!

  10. That is way too cute! Thanks for sharing! Kerri

  11. Old Featherhead - makes me smile! I can also imagine Savvy thinking this was hilarious too.

    We have oodles of brown play doh - so this would be a sweet way to put it to good use. Playing with play doh is always more fun when you add googly eyes and feathers.

  12. So cute! I just found a recipe for chocolate playdoh and had no idea what to use brown playdoh for (but wanted to make it because well, it's chocolate) I know. Thank you for the fabulous ideas!!

  13. Adorable as can be! I still haven't made my November playdough yet (ack!), but Finn really enjoyed having googly eyes (and pipe cleaners) last month, so the feathers are a GREAT idea.

  14. so simple yet so cute!! i love it! gotta use it with my class!

  15. This is so cute! Just featured it! :)

  16. I love this and we had so much fun with it this week!

  17. So cute!!! And wouldn't you know we just made a batch of pumpkin a few minutes ago. Now I have to go to store to get some maple flavor so we can make the turkey. We must make them. LOL

  18. Very cute! We just did a very similar play dough activity. My son loved it. I linked back to you. Thanks for the idea.

  19. I had a lot of fun looking through your playdough posts, Mari-Ann! I featured your turkey playdough photo and post in my Montessori-Inspired Fall Playdough Activities at


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