
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Updated Activity Kits Post

Just wanted to let you all know that I updated my old Activity Kits post to include better photos and more ideas. Click here to take a look!


  1. Wow! Thanks for the ideas! I will definetely be creating some of these for my little one to take with us.

  2. I love these ideas! Can I ask where you got the cvc cards? My daughter would love those.

    Thanks for sharing all your ideas!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing again! I'm a new follower of your wonderful blog, so I probably wouldn't have seen that post had you not mentioned it again. I love your idea for using those zipper pouches for storage. MUCH better than my go-to plastic storage bags. Can't wait to make some kits for my little ones.

  4. Hi Mari-Ann,

    Love your ideas. I made these activity packets for my 4 - year old daughter during our recent vacation and it was such a success!

    Love your blog. You are such a great inspiration.

    I've just started homeschooling my daughter, check out my blog at when you find some time.

    Thanks for sharing all your ideas!

  5. Thank you for the reminder that you have these kit ideas, and thank you for the new ideas too! I forgot about them. Not again. I have put them on my project list and will begin them next time I run to the Dollar Tree (in the next couple weeks). I'm excited as we often drive an hour or so away to visit family. So not enough time to watch a movie, but just enough time for the kiddos to scream in protest. lol Thanks again for your wonderfully creative ideas!


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