
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Revisiting Summer 2010

The first day of summer is coming up and so I thought I'd compile a list of the fun things we did last summer. I'm hoping it'll act as a reminder to me to repeat some of these activities with James before the baby arrives!

~Thank you for your comments!~


  1. Thanks for sharing! Great summer activities!

  2. I love you blog and your ideas! My son is about the same age as yours but he has autism. It's easy to get discouraged but you have inspired me. Thank you!

  3. I just found your blog this past week and I am in awe every time I come back to visit. I appreciate all of your hard work to show us the awesome activities you are doing :)

  4. Great ideas! I love the sensory tubs, they look great.

  5. I am goin to try that ice excavating! Never thought of putting colored ice cubes in. Thanks for all your great ideas!

  6. I am SO going to try those frozen oranges this summer. I've been meaning to show Jeremy how to juice oranges anyway, but it is so hard to get anything done with his baby sister. Well--you'll see that soon enough. :-D

  7. Mari-Ann, I discovered your blog a while ago and I LOVE how many fabulous ideas you come up with :) Just wanted to say I appreciate you sharing with us. Have a wonderful summer!!!

  8. Mari-Ann
    Love the photos of Revisiting Summer 2010! Hopefully 2011 will be just as exploratory and colorful :)

  9. What a great post!! So many parents are gearing up to summer and wondering what they can do to keep their children engaged and having fun. Thanks for all the great ideas (and pictures) - it's going to help a lot of parents!

  10. Great ideas Mari Ann! Thank you for sharing them with us!
    ~ joey ~

  11. Your blog is a huge inspiration to so many. I've been wanting to do the ice excavation for so long now, hopefully we'll do that this week! I'm sure my son will love it. Thank you!

  12. Mari-Ann,
    thank you very much for this post. I will surely copy some of your ideas this summer, if you don't mind... :-)
    Greetings from Montreal,

  13. These all look like great fun! I'm going to have to borrow some of these ideas to do with my own two girls!

  14. Love the shell collage! You guys must be getting so excited for the baby! Enjoy the summer!



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