
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Yarn Along - Baby Knit

I am having so much fun knitting up some soft little things for my babe!

I recently made this Milo vest using Dream In Color yarn in their "angel" colorway. You can see my Rav. notes here. There were a couple of tricky spots (hoping once I block it the waistband will shrink a bit) and once again I had to learn some new tricks (hello, cabling!), but overall I'm pleased and I think it'll look super cute on our little miss.

Since I'm linking up with Ginny's Yarn Along, I'm also sharing a book I'm reading: So That's What They're For by Janet Tamaro. This is meant to be a book with a casual and humorous perspective on breastfeeding. Over the past few months I've read quite a few "serious" books about breastfeeding and thought I'd check this one out from our local LLL library to see if there was anything funny about breastfeeding. This may be a bit TMI, but my first go at breastfeeding (with James) was anything but humorous and my inability to nurse him bothered me for years afterward (I've since come to peace with it). The book is a bit outdated (I think the last update was from 1996), but the facts haven't really changed and while it's very informative, it definitely gives a lighthearted view to something I was starting to take a little too seriously. I'm glad I read it. This time around I know I'll be successful at breastfeeding. I'm much more informed and have lots of wonderfully supportive friends surrounding me - two things I didn't have in my arsenal last time. :)

~Thank you for your comments!~


  1. ohh my word that is adorable!! Great job!

  2. I was just looking at this pattern on Raverly, for my friend who is having a baby girl as well! You did a fantastic job, I love the color choice!

  3. Nursing the second time around is so much easier. I had so much trouble with my first, but I was determined to make it work with number 2 and it did! I think I was just too sleep deprived and uptight with number 1. :) Good luck and your vest looks so cute!

  4. Love the knitting, beautiful colour! I miss not having babies to knit for - my eldest is now 12 and has banned me from knitting for him, only my youngest (7) will let me make her clothes now :)

  5. Having a good attitude is half the battle with breastfeeding. I had a hard time with my first, but it was easier the second time. Not because the baby was any better at it, but because I was better prepared and like you said, I KNEW I would be successful. Best of luck! The vest is super cute!

  6. That vest is adorable! And that book looks good. I just had my second baby and was very worried about how breastfeeding would go because it had been a huge struggle with my first. I did the same as you; I read more books, and got in touch with a lactation consultant who came to visit me in the hospital. Breastfeeding is going GREAT this time. Huge relief! I hope it is more enjoyable for you this time around as well!

  7. Super cute! I also wanted to recommend my breastfeeding bible...

    If you have time for another read.

  8. That is a beautiful little vest! You are one talented Mama!
    I'm glad to hear that you forgave yourself for not being able to BF the first time around.

  9. Beautiful color, you are so talented!

  10. Not being a knitter (except for scarves!) I am always amazed at what beautiful creations can be made with a simple ball of wool! You did a fine job and your little one will look adorable in it!
    I admire your positive thinking about breastfeeding your next child. I'm sure it will all work out for you this time!
    ~ joey ~

  11. The vest is adorable! My regrets about not being able to breastfeed Natalie was profound. Now that she is nearly four, I'm still hoping there are no negative results for my inability to breastfeed her (I'd had a breast reduction years ago) and simply never engorged and even with pumping daily for 12 weeks only averaged 2 ounces a day. so i stuck with it. Positive attitude helps and humor helps even more! Enjoy your new family as it grows!!!

  12. That vest is just sweet. I wish you luck with bf your new little one!

    I'm following you now. You can see my yarn-along here

  13. Awww! That vest is adorable.

  14. The color of your vest is beautiful!

  15. how cute! I love the colour variations in the yarn. Fingers crossed that you find nursing easyier this time around

  16. I love the colour of the vest you knitted. I have the pattern on my list, too. I wish you luck in your breastfeeding adventure. Knowing that you can, will take you a long way.

  17. So precious... LOVE the color. That's one lucky little baby!

  18. I love that book, a friend gave it to me when I had Emily and I found it to be a great fun to read resource.

    I found nursing the second time much easier too, this time I knew what to expect and was less nervous. I was much more comfortable with nursing in public, my mom made me an amazing nursing cover the second time :0)

    Juliette actually still nurses every morning for a little before she starts her day...I think we are both just not ready to give it up yet.


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