
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Yarn Along - Baby Knit

I'm in love with this little sweater, The Boheme, which I knitted using Madeline Tosh in their "Fragrant" colorway. You can see my Rav. notes here.

This was my first time following a lace pattern and I found the challenge surprisingly enjoyable. I learned a couple of things about my knitting personality in the process of making this:
1) I need a pattern that's interesting - no straight garter or stockinette for me. Too monotonous.
2) I really do not like purling. That may or may have to do with the fact that I'm just really slow at it. :)

I did have a bit of trouble with the lacing portion at first (read: I had to rip out 14 rows of hard work!), but thanks to YouTube, I was able to figure out my error. There are still a few mistakes in the overall sweater, but if I can live with them I'm sure the baby can, too. :) Thanks also to Ginny for helping me modify the border - I opted for a garter finish instead of the picot written into the pattern.

I found myself really drawn to this project and I spent pretty much every free moment I had working on it. I did, however, find some time to thumb through a back issue of my favorite magazine, Living Crafts.

Hop on over to Ginny's Yarn Along to see what others are knitting and reading.

Oh and because several of you have sweetly asked to see...
~My (big) bump. 31 weeks... let the countdown begin!~

~Thank you for your comments!~


  1. Beautiful!
    The sweater, your boy and your bump!
    Take care,
    ~ joey ~

  2. You got me. This resembles the pickles vest that I've made twice and love. But this one is so wonderfully feminine! I'm definitely casting on...

    Blessings, Debbie

  3. Oh, I love the Boheme - and the sweet baby bump!

  4. Such a gorgeous cardie; there's a very lucky baby!
    Have a lovely Wednesday..

  5. Went I get this knitting thing down and I am looking for a new challenge I'll have to try this vest out. Beautiful!

  6. Oh, I'll have to come back and look at that space activity. Perhaps the kids can sew those up for Science this year.

  7. That is a gorgeous sweater! I'm jealous, because I could not make anything like that.

    Your belly and your son are pretty beautiful too!

  8. oh my gosh! this is so cute! i looked at some of your older stuff too and it is soooo cute as well! something like this would be good for my girls because it has such short sleeves. i live in texas and it never really gets that cold. love your blog!

  9. That really is a cute pattern.

    Hmmm, I think I may cast on one for my niece soon.

  10. A camisola ficou realmente linda, mas, mais linda é esta ultima imagem, percebe-se o amor que une vocês.que Deus abençoe sua família


  11. ohh my word love the sweater! That picture of James hugging on you stole the show!! Very sweet!

  12. ahh! you are so, so, so sweet looking.

  13. That's a photo for the album, surely.
    Beautiful little knit!

  14. I love the little sweater and Madelinetosh is the best in yarn. Congrats on the baby to be!

  15. its lovely and all the best for the new to come!!!

  16. Oh, I hope these last few weeks go well for you! What a darling little baby sweater...I too am adverse to purling. :)

  17. I finally had time to catch up on blogs a little. A GIRL! I'm so happy for you. All the sweaters are adorable. Becca offered to teach me to knit on bedrest now I wish I had taken her up on it. Love the bump picture! Can't wait to hear official news.


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