
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Autumn Calendar Cards

A while back, on my CC Facebook Page, I took a poll about which style of calendar cards I should make next. Quite a few of you gave your input (thank you!) and it was a tight race, but I ultimately chose an Autumn/Harvest theme. I hope you find them useful in the coming months!

Click here to download

Keep in mind that I format these myself, so they're not perfect, but they'll certainly get the job done. : ) Also, as with all of my printables, these are for your personal use only - please do not sell or offer them in a giveaway. Thank you and enjoy!

~Thank you for your comments!~


  1. Thank you for your generosity!! Your printables are simply the cutest! :)

  2. these are so adorable. thanks for sharing. my lil blessins will enjoy them on our october calendar.

  3. Oh, thank you so much for your generosity! I am using your beach themed ones right now and they are a perfect fit for us. Can't wait to use these!

  4. Thank you thank you! These are lovely!


  5. Thanks so much! I'm starting calendar time with my little ones in September. These are cute!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing these! I had planned something else and my daughter just said it didn't look right and was adamant about wanting a more fall looking calendar for us to start, tomorrow, so you have made it so this tired momma can go to bed much sooner than I expected. :)


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