
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Kindergarten Graduation

Since you all have been with me during my homeschool journey thus far, I thought it fitting to share our special day with you...

James has officially graduated from Kindergarten (a year early!) and we couldn't be more proud of him. He has evolved so much this year and not just academically, but emotionally, physically, and spiritually too.

I look at him now and it's hard for me to image that tiny baby I held in my arms for the first time 5 years ago. Time is going by a little too quickly.

~receiving his diploma from the school principal :)~
I can't express just how much I love homeschooling and being James' teacher. It's incredibly rewarding to watch him learn and grow, and to know we're doing all we can to provide a positive and enriching learning environment for him. I thank God that we are able to homeschool - it's been a total blessing for us.

First grade here we come!

By the way, we made a big deal out of this special event. Hubs and I took James out for a special dinner. This was a special event in and of itself as it was just the three of us (baby sister stayed home with a sitter), a thing that hasn't happened since Juliet was born 10 months ago. I also baked a cake, printed a free diploma from here, ordered a graduation cap from here, and took LOTS of photos (graduate sign printed from here).

~Thank you for your comments!~


  1. Congratulations. Thank you for sharing. Love your site and love your joy of homeschooling!

  2. How precious! Props to you for making it so special for him! It gets me excited because I also have a 10- month-old and will begin homeschooling my 4.5- year-old in a few months! I'm so excited! I enjoy following your blog- thank you!

  3. congratulations to James mum and Dad !!! I have been offline for long time and it was nice seeing James beautiful smile with his graduation ha when i was checking emails .
    Still i hope you would share with us how are you managing homeschooling with another baby around .Mine is no longer a baby or a toddler , he is three but can ceate a big distraction for his sister , and our school routines is often interrupted . Also i was hoping to read more about your curriculum choices now that you finished kindergarten and getting ready for first grade .Does james need you at the table with him when he is doing his work , or he is capable of working independently . thank you for sharing. viv


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