
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Knitted Pouches

I was inspired to make these knitted pouches after reading about them on Small Things. They require just scraps to make and they knit up SO fast - really, under an hour for this not-so-fast knitter! I made one for each of my kiddos. They're the perfect size to hold tiny treasures. :)

~Thank you for your comments!~


  1. I have been wanting to make some of those pouches too. They remind me of the time when my oldest two kiddos attended a Waldorf Kindergarten in Germany. They made pouches out of felt and weren't knitted. The treasures they put in there were priceless. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh, how this makes me wish I knew how to knit...So perfect for treasures!

  3. So fun! :) I might make a few for my Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes this year.

  4. oh cute! can you give a pattern for these... for us that are not so intuitive :)

    these can be great for color matching (e.g put all blue in blue pouch) as well as fine motor skills. :)

    as always, you have the best ideas!

  5. Thanks for your comments!

    Shaheen, you'll see the pattern link imbedded in the words "these little pouches". :) Believe me, I'm not so intuitive that I'd be able to create these without finding some type of pattern to follow!

  6. I LOVE these. I haven't knitted in ages but I'm very inspired to pick it up again and use up those left-over bits of yarn. Simple enough that it's not too daunting but practical.


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