
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March Poetry Basket

This months' poem is about weather. I used a chunk of wool roving to represent the dark cloud, some radish seeds for the flower seeds (I didn't have actual flower seeds on hand), small crystals for the raindrops (James drops them little by little back into the glass votive to make a pitter pattering sound), and the felt sun from our weather sensory tub.

The poem is short and sweet and I've made it available to you via this link - just copy and paste into your address bar:

With regard to the poems I use each month, I either use this website or I simply hunt through Google for one that suits us.

To see our past poetry baskets, click here.

As always, my printables are for your personal use only - please do not sell or offer them in giveaways. Thank you!

~Thank you for your comments!~


  1. Thank you! I am going to introduce this basket tomorrow in my classroom. I will let you know how it goes! :-)

  2. Oh what a nice poem and fine idéa! I`ll try to do something like that in swedish for my daycare children :)

  3. Thank you for the poem! It's the first I'll introduce to my son for his first poetry basket. I'm sure he'll love it!

  4. I really want to add this to our routine. Thanks for posting! I included a link on my blog here:

  5. I love the idea of this but what do the children do with it?

  6. @A Not So Good Writer: check out this post from My Montessori Journey - she explains what goes on with a poetry basket and was the inspiration to me for making my own.


  7. I just found this post through Pinterest...what a wonderful idea, one I will link to on my own blog or page. Thank you! Lovely! a.


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