Our theme for this month is weather! I'll be sharing our playdough and what's on our shelves later this week, but in the meantime here's our sensory tub...
:: Blue aquarium rocks (the sky)
:: Cotton balls (clouds)
:: Blue beads (raindrops)
:: Silver pipe cleaners (lightening bolts)
:: A felt sun
:: Small puffs (snow) & snowflake shapes
:: Rainbow pom poms (click here for my tutorial on how to make your own)
:: Plastic cubes (ice/hail)
:: Small silver pitcher and shovel (for scooping & pouring)
Click the button below to see a full list of my sensory tubs or click here to view my slideshow on the Counting Coconuts Facebook page.

~Thank you for your comments!~
I love this sensory bin! I love how the theme goes along with what you are learning and growing as James does!
It's amazing what you come up with every month! I can't wait to see what's on your shelves too!
My son is almost exactly two years younger than James. I just have to go back two years and the seasons and everything will line up so well! Thank you so much for all you share!
This is one of the most clever sensory bins I've seen!
I'm planning a unit on weather in a few weeks, so it's also perfectly timed. Thank you so much for sharing!
love this looks like so much fun! cute lightening rods. you should do a tornado bottle also as one of your shelf activities?!
Check out a Montessori inspired activity we did with rocks if you get a chance http://butterflywishesformygirls.blogspot.com/2011/03/straw-into-gold-spotlight.html
I love that tub (as ALL your tubs!!), it's so beautiful! THANK YOU!
You can look here : http://3danslepetitnid.blogspot.com/2011/02/activites-pour-quentin-18-mois-33.html I spoke about your blog (I've made an art basket for spring as yours for Valentine'day)
I LOVE it!!!
Look forward to seeing more from the theme :)
This is really clever.... I might reproduce one but with blue rice as we've self-imposed a spending embargo for two monhts so can't buy fish gravel!! I think I can find/make all the other things at home!
thanks, Jenni
Ok, not sure if my first comment went through...
I think this is a fantastic theme for a sensory tub! I love that James is making thunder sounds while he plays with it, and I think listening to some weather-themed nature music while playing with the tub is a great way to incorporate even more senses into this activity. Have you had any trouble with your blue rocks? I used blue aquarium rocks last year in an ocean themed bin and we had trouble with them rubbing off all over our hands. I love the way they look though, and they are great for scooping and pouring!
Wow, what a GREAT sensory tub! Can I ask where you got the little snowflakes?
I did a hastily-put together duck tub yesterday which was a big hit. You always inspire me!
Now, if I could just figure out how to make a Dr Seuss one for today..........
I think this sensory tub is great! I would've never thought of doing a weather theed tub. I've linked up to your post on my weekly favorites here: http://play2grow.blogspot.com/2011/03/weekly-favorites-for-march-6-2011.html
I've also linked up to your shelf activities for March.
And here I expected you to do St. Patrick's day, leave it to you to come up with something AMAZING!!! Two thumbs up!
I love all of your sensory bins....they are awesome! Thanks for sharing!
This looks like so much fun! I love all your wonderful ideas for sensory tubs. Emily would love this, Juliette unfortunately would probably try to eat it so we will have to wait until next year!
I did this one and I am linking back to you !
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