I whipped up a batch of these cute lil cookies.

They're counting cookies - each one has a certain number of "chips" on it (0-5) for James to count out. He absolutely loved them and played with them for a good hour a few different times this week.

His favorite cookie was the one with zero chips. He kept saying, "no chips, no chips!" in a sad little voice as though he felt sorry for the cookie. :)
He arranged them in numerical order, played "find zero", carried them around in a basket, and even taste tested them!
Love it! How cute that he felt sorry for the one with no chocolate chips. :) These look like a lot of fun, did you make them?
Oops - just realized you did make them. They are awesome and I'm very impressed!
You are sooo crafty! Could James be any cuter?
Bear does a similar thing when she gets a one when she rolls the die. Love the cookies. What a great idea to make them counting cookies!
Such a cute idea! My son is obsessed with cookies right now, so I'm sure he would love something like this. I've never attempted to make anything like that, but I might have to give it a try. So cute!
CUTE!!! How much for a set of these?!
Thanks for you nice comments!
Jen, I'm sorry, but I'm not making anything for sale - I make far too many mistakes!
These are just tooooo groovy! So when did you say your etsy store was opening?!
I'll place an order for these now thanks!
Great idea. I'm a special ed teacher and this would be a cute idea for my students. Having them put the cookie with a corresponding plate with the number in the middle would be a great way to have them match the cookie with the written numeral. LOVE YOUR BLOG!!! Featured at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com
So cute! Love them!
Great idea! I'm going to put this in a highlights of people who have linked up, so it should be up on my blog in the next few days. (I also loved the strawberries you linked!) http://www.helpinglittlehands.blogspot.com/
I'll also be putting one of the pics up as part of the highlight. Hopefully that's okay? If not let me know. Of course I'll link back.
I need these.
Thank you for sharing at Thursday's Treasures!
Come share again this week!
I love these, my mom and I have been making felt food, I am going to make a set for Emily!!
Love it!! I have quite a bit of felt floating around and this is a great project to use it on. Such a simple, fun, idea!
Hola!! Mi nombre es Rosa y estoy estudiando Educación Infantil en España. El reportaje de las cookies me ha encantado,porque me ha hecho mucha gracia que el niño se sintiera triste por la galleta. Es genial ver como los niños piensan cosas que a los adultos ni se nos pasaria por la cabeza y ver como son capaces de ponerse en el lugar de otros, ¡¡ingluso en el de una galleta!! Me ha surgido una duda: ¿Los niños han colaborado en la fabricación de las galletas? Muchas gracias por compartir tus experiencias. Un saludo!
Hi Rosa,
Thanks so much for your comment! To answer your question, no, my son didn't help me in making the cookies. At the time, he was a bit too young to work with a sharp needle. Thanks again for stopping by!
Love this idea and made a simpler version for my son a few weeks ago and posted here http://veritabletreasure.blogspot.com/2011/05/counting-cookies.html Thanks for your blog, I just love it!
I finally posted my version on Facebook (I credited you of course!)--Susan
I just found your blog and totally love it! these cookies are so cute, I'm going to make some for my daughter. :-)
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