
Saturday, January 16, 2010

Postcard Exchange

I was SO excited to learn of this awesome exchange going on in the blogworld. Debbie, from Children Grow, Children Explore, Children Learn, had the great idea of exchanging postcards as a means of teaching our children a bit about geography. Click here to read her original post and here to find out more details about the weekly postcard exchange carnival she's hosting as well.

This exchange is right up our alley. I've always had a fascination with geography - my friend laughs because I love sitting down to explore an Almanac just for fun. James loves looking at his US and World maps - he likes to call off different states and makes little songs about them while pointing to them on the map. :)

Anyway, if you want to join the fun, here's what you need to do:

1. Simply leave me a comment letting me know you're interested and I in turn will be in touch via email to exchange our mailing addresses.
2. Agree to "pay it forward" - i.e. send a postcard back to me. And, if you're interested, post about this on your own blog and get others involved, too.
3. When selecting your postcards, choose ones with geographical pictures or images of things specific to where you live.

That's it! Easy peasy, inexpensive and such a great way to open up the world to our little ones!

James received his first postcard recently - all the way from San Jose, California! We pulled out the map, found California and read the lovely message on the back of the postcard. It was a great lesson! I'm going to save these for James so we can review them again over the years. :)


  1. What a great deal - children love to get mail and I love how you are extending the idea into a valuable learning opportunity. Young children struggle with the concept of distance and countries/states/cities - this is a great way to try to help introduce the concepts.

  2. Mari-Ann, I would love to participate in this! What a fun way to teach our little ones about the States! :)

  3. I would love one from Bermuda. I'll send you one from Costa Rica. We're already participating in this and it is so much fun!

  4. Count me in, Mari-Ann.
    My 2 Little Rascals are Yann-7 & Yamil-3. Let me know the details.

  5. Hi, I would love to participate. Don't have a child myself so I could pass it on to Kaia :)

    I also have lots of postcards of when I was travelling in Australia so i could send you one of them also :)

  6. Hi, I would love to participate as well, always thought of doing something like this but didn't know how to go about it. How shall we get in touch?

  7. I'd love to participate too! Finley loves getting mail, and I think he would enjoy sending some to friends as well! Count me in, all the way from Texas!

  8. Awesome idea! We're in! We live on the Gold Coast, Australia, email us at

  9. Hi Mari-Ann, Savanna would love to send a postcard to James all the way from Australia.

    We are already participating in this and Savvy gets so excited to see a postcard for her in our mail. She really enjoys checking out the stamps too from all around the world.

  10. Me again, have a little presise for you on my blog :o)

  11. We would love to do this. Let me know the details.

  12. Oooh, I'm definately in and will be posting about in on my blog soon as well - Short Pants is going to love receiving postcards!

  13. I LOVE the idea and would like to participate! My daughter loves hearing about other places of the world but it is hard to tell her stuff when there is no connection ... to get a postcard from another child from far away ... I am sure she will love it!
    And you would be getting a postcard from Germany. :-)

  14. We would love to exchange - we're in Wisconsin!
    aschoessow (at) gmail (dot) come

  15. I finally posted about this on my blog.
    So excited about it! :-)
    I used the picture from your post but was not sure whether it is kinda like a button for that exchange or whether I should not be using it ... so if you would not like me to use it just let me know and I will remove it!
    Also I was wondering ... I am looking for a printable map similar to this picture for my daughter (just with the continents). Do you happen to know a link? I have found many printable maps but usually there is simply too much information on them.

  16. My little boy would absolutely love this. His new favourite thing to do is find countries on his floor puzzle mat. I don't have a blog and I don't homeschool either of my little boys but I have only recently found your blog and become interested in montessori. Great ideas for a mum and school teacher (teach 5yr olds). Would love to join in the fun...we live in Australia.

  17. mummato2boys: no worries at all, we'd love to swap postcards with you! Just email me directly ( and we can chat further! :)

  18. We would love to participate in the postcard exchange. Thanks.


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