
Friday, January 15, 2010

Thank You

Normally I'd post something like this on my other (private) blog. But since it involves all of you, I'm taking a step out of my comfort zone and posting it here...

An interesting thing happened recently: I mentioned to my husband that I received a couple more awards (which I'll post about in a couple of days). He wondered aloud if these awards weren't more than just "chain letters" being passed around from person to person (gee, thanks honey!).

It got me thinking... I suppose it's safe to say that's exactly what these awards are - I mean, technically, we do just pass them around to one another. But what he doesn't understand is that these awards symbolize something to us bloggers. We know just how much time and effort we put into posting. We know the anticipation and excitement that comes from getting feedback. These awards are recognition for a job well done - a nice pat on the back, if you will. And I, for one, need that now and then.

I find I'm hard pressed to get such support from anywhere else. I'm sad and a little embarrassed to admit that even my own family and friends don't support me the way you all do. You all are busy, you all have lives, yet you take the time to stop by my blog and comment. I know, I'm whining. Sorry. Actually, I try not to get too upset about it because I think for the most part, they (my friends and family) really don't understand why I'd want to spend this much time educating James and even what a blog is in the first place!

Anyway, the most important thing I really wanted to covey is that I feel very blessed to have "met" so many kind and supportive people through blogging. It's wonderful to be surrounded by a community of like-minded women. So, thank you... for being the amazing people you are.


  1. That's so funny, my husband said the same thing. Though he is usually supportive I don't think he get'sthe whole blogger thing. Sometimes it's hard for people to understand why we would chose to educate our children at home. Even in pre-school. I have had people ask me why I don't just let the boys play and watch T.V at home and then send them to day care or pre-school where the trained teachers could teach them. I don't think they realize how much fun my kids have doing these activities with me. it is very rewarding when your child learns something (in a fun way) that impresses someone and you can say you taught it to them. I wish you all the best in your journey and I will pray that some support comes your way!

  2. I totally know exactly what you mean! Keep up the great work. I really enjoy your blog :)

  3. Ay Mari-Ann, te entiendo perfectamente!!! pues mucha gente no entiende lo que hacemos y por que lo hacemos...para algunos simplemente somos DIFERENTES!! Pero al igual que tu, yo tampoco tengo el apoyo de algunos y de algunos amigos, SIn mencionarte el Blog!!lol. Pero no me roba el sueno!!

    AHora tengo amigas fabulosas a traves del Blog!!! que entienden mi lenguaje!!

    Gracias por estar ahi, por compartir tus experiencias y por sacar de tu ocupado tiempo, para leer las nuestras!!!

    Recibe un Super Gran abrazo!!!

    ps.... tienes 2 premios en mi blog!!! Por lo dedicado, fabuloso, dulce y creativo que es el tuyo!!!!

    Con muuuuucho carino!!

  4. Okay.. so my husband said the same thing.. and I thought what you were thinking but I could never articulate it the way you just did! So thank you for writing what is on my mind! Thank you for being their and supporting me too. My sister blogs and that is really nice to have family reading and encouraging. But other than that the rest of my family doesn't get "it." So thanks to you as well :-)

  5. Aww, thanks!
    Well put!
    We appreciate you too!

  6. What a great post, and I think we all TOTALLY feel the same way! I was talking to a friend recently and she asked if I'd ever let Maddie use watercolors. I told her that yes, and had she ever read my blog. She looked at me and said, "Read your WHAT?"

    The support and friendships I've made through blogging are, well... amazing. I feel very blessed because it IS such a unique network, so dynamic and so strong. As soon as I get computer time, checking blogs are my very first line of action.

    Oh, and congrats on the added awards!! You deserve every single one!

  7. I hear you (though my husband didn't make any comment at all). I'm an American living in England, and I don't know any other homeschooling moms in my area (I knew LOTS in Missouri where I'm from--they have co-ops there). I feel like my biggest support is online. And if I ever get any other awards, I'll pass them on to you because I feel you deserve them--I like your blog so much I wish I could come visit you! The time I passed on an award you gave me, I did it to show I really love and appreciate the blogs I gave them to. I'm sure the other blogging moms feel the same way.

  8. I'm new to your blog, but I just have to say that I totally feel the same way. I don't think anyone really understands me and why I work so hard to look for and implement these fun learning activities. I don't plan on homeschooling, but that doesn't mean that there won't be any learning going on in my home! Even if they understand that i like to teach my children, they don't get why I would want to spend even more time blogging about it. I love to share what I know in hopes of helping other mothers. Anyway, all that I'm trying to say is I agree with you 100%. :)

  9. What are you talking about? My husband doesn't even follow my blog... and it's his kids we're talking about!!! Phew, I feel so much better now. Haha, let me just laugh at this. Honey, I know what you mean. Seriously. I know what it is not to have the support of family and friends. I've been blogging for only a month now, and it is through ALL OF YOU that I have found SUPPORT and INSPIRATION. So, keep up your EXCELLENT job. And keep being the way you are. Many blessings for you and your family.

  10. So true, I agree with you. Since I just started blogging, I just discovered what it feels like for others to understand and appreciate what I do with my son. And it is so nice to see that so many other moms do it too, just not around me where I live. Before this I would just tell my husband what we did when he got home from work but somehow he doesn't get how great I think it is. This blog thing is a lot of work and sometimes I feel guilty for putting so much time into it, but it share helps to feel connected to other like minded moms.

  11. I know how you feel. I sometimes wonder why I put so much effort into blogging, and comments from readers always remind me why. I always enjoy reading your blog, and it's so nice to be a part of a virtual community of great blogging mamas. *hugs*

  12. Wow Mari-Ann! I feel like you just read my mind...
    Most people think it's kind of a "silly hobby" that I blog and that I want to stay home with my girls and "home" preschool. But I LOVE it and I would not know what to do with myself if I sent them somewhere during the week for preschool or day care or whatever...
    We are in a big city and any type of homeschooling is usually just considered odd. There are so many popular, amazing schools that people send their kids to and I think they are amazed that I wouldn't just do what everyone else does. That is SO NOT me!! lol
    I just take it one day at a time, but I wanted you to know that I completely understand where you are coming from. You know.. and I know... that blogging and sharing what we teach is MUCH more than just a "silly hobby".
    You are an AWESOME mommy,Amazing teacher, and I LOVE to read your blogs!

  13. Thank you :) :) I love feeling connected to people via blogging. At uni at the moment I don't speak much so it is good to communicate :)

  14. I feel exactly the same way about blogging, beautifully put!
    And I thik you are doing an amazing job with James, you are putting such effort and creativity into such an important and formative time of his life. I know I don't comment a lot here (*slaps self on wrist*), but I take a lot of the ideas you present and use them with my own 2 yr old daughter. You are an inspiration!

  15. I also feel blessed to have met so many inspirational, creative mums like yourself through blogging.

    I also feel very much like you. Often family and friends don't seem that interested in resources and activities I am creating (I know this kind of thing doesn't float everyone's boat), but every now and again it would be refreshing to be able to bounce ideas around with a family member, or friend.

    I think I have been very fortunate to "meet" other like minded mums in the blogosphere. Mums who value and have an appreciation for preparing and creating learning activities for their children and mums who are motivated to do so.

  16. Your post put tears in my eyes. As I can see from all of the comments a lot of us feel exactly the same way. A lot of people(including family members)just don't understand the whole "Montessori" thing. It is a blessing to be able to talk to so many peopel through blogging who do understand and do know what you are going through. I really appreciate your blog and all of your lovely comments.

  17. Just wanted to say I haven't been blogging for long myself but I have been very impressed with your blog, your ideas, your creativity. I am excited to be able to learn from others and share with others what I do with my little ones.
    My hubby tries to be supportive, but I also don't really think he gets it at times.
    Anyhow, God bless and keep up the good work.

  18. Celly, I always read your blog- I haven't missed one yet!! You do an awesome job with James and are very creative and are teaching him SOOO MUCH!! You know I am the worst at commenting, as I am also the worst patient my sister has ever had, and I don't follow the exercise programs I so often push on my patients!! I so enjoy reading your blog and enjoy seeing pics and learning what my besties are up to in Bermuda!! Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to see you in 3 short months!!! Love ya!!

  19. Oh, how I love your blog! You put exactly what I have been thinking into words! You are not alone! :)

  20. Wow, you guys are the BEST! Thank you so much for your comments on this post. Big, big hugs to each of you!!

  21. That is why I love getting awards...knowing that other people who do the same thing that I do, that know how much effort it actually is, appreciate me and enjoy reading what I am writing or are maybe learning or getting ideas from me. Great post!

  22. Hi! I have an award for you. THANK YOU.
    Evelyn from 2 Pequenos Traviesos

  23. I absolutely understand what you mean. My husband does like the activities I do with Finn and supports my blogging, but the rest of my family thinks it is kind of strange I think. They sometimes refer to my blog as "your little blog" which drives me crazy!! And they think I'm pushing Finn too hard with our activities (yet at the same time, they are very impressed when he shows off his new skills). Well, Mari-Ann, at least we all have each other! It is so nice to know I'm not the only one feeling that way!!

  24. It's so funny how people in real life just don't "get" this whole blog thing. :) This is a great post, Mari-Ann, and I agree with all of it!


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Cheers, Mari-Ann :)