
Thursday, January 14, 2010

You Can Help

You all know about the horrible, devastating situation in Haiti right now. Over 100,000 people have died and there are many more still missing. Consider that half of those people are children. It breaks my heart to imagine a mother or father searching among rubble for their child. Or to think of all the families that have suddenly decreased in size.

The pain and suffering these people are having to/will have to endure as a result of this catastrophe is very real. And while we can't give back to them the precious things they've lost, we CAN help by donating money. These are hard times everywhere, but at least those of you reading this have electricity, have a roof over your heads, have your babies safe and sound nearby.

Please, don't ignore the appeals. The problem is still there even if you look the other way. And don't assume there's enough help already - there's NOT. There are an estimated 3
million people in need! A LOT of help is needed to restore any kind of order in Haiti.

CNN has a huge list of places you can donate to, but I've added links to the places we're donating to because we know and trust them.


  1. Thanks for the links, I will have to check them out and see how we can help.
    If everyone would just give a little it would help a lot!

  2. I was in tears watching this tragedy on the news, have already donated through the Red Cross what little we can, but thanks for the links, good idea to use your blog to inspire others to help too.

  3. My heart breaks for these people. They will be in my prayers. I love having places to donate and know that they are solid foundations. Two that we like to support are compassion and Samaritan's purse (the organization that does Operation Christmas Child).


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