
Monday, April 18, 2011

April Poetry Basket

This month's poetry basket is about Spring. I just love the poem and I was excited to be able to find lots of tactile elements to accompany it. (Whoops! I see I forgot to photograph the snake.)

These baskets have been a huge hit in our classroom. It gives me such joy to see James take an interest in poetry, something I've secretly loved for a long time.

To see more of our poetry baskets, click here. To learn more about the inspiration behind our baskets, click here. I've shared links to download this poem and the songs we're singing this month here.

~Thank you for your comments!~


  1. love the poem . would like to use it this month with my little ones . will you share the pdf please . love viv

  2. We used this same poem in March! G liked it but not as much as the snow poem (because he loved dropping cotton balls on his head.)

  3. We do "poetry baskets" too each week and I had to laugh about your lincoln log. Isn't it funny how creative we get when trying to find hands-on representations for things? Thank you for sharing. I love your blog!

  4. We are using the same poem for Spring in our classroom! The kids absolutely love it...Do you have any plans for a Summer poem? Thanks for sharing all your wonderful ideas! Sasha

  5. On a whim, I decided to put out your March poetry basket. Aside from reading some Shel Silverstein, my son didn't know much about poetry (he's 4). I was skeptical...

    HE LOVED IT! I love listening to him recited the entire poem (with the help of all the accompaniments, of course).

    I have been waiting to see what you'd come up with for April and would be ever so thankful if you did share the pdf!!!

    Thanks for such a fun way to introduce the littles to something new!

  6. I linked to your page of poetry baskets from

    Thanks for the idea! I love this added component of our lessons!

  7. I've really enjoyed your poetry baskets, Mari-Ann! I featured your April poetry basket photo and post in my Montessori-Inspired Poetry Activities at


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