
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Ladybug Math

To go along with our Spring theme this month, I made a batch of math ladybugs for James. I saw this idea on KidsSoup.

I think they're super cute! The little dots on the wings add up to the number shown on the white spot beneath them.

They were easy enough to make, just a bit tedious because of how many there are. But, as with all the materials I take the time to create, I just think about how they'll be used not just by James, but his sibling(s), too. Plus, I'm really all about making learning fun - and what's not fun about interactive ladybugs?! :)

~Thank you for your comments!~


  1. thanks for sharing, that's very good idea

  2. What an awesome yet obvious idea! - but aren't they always :)

    My 3yo #4 (out of 5) has just become obsessed with numbers and... you guessed it! Ladybugs!What perfect timing.

    I love your blog and "stalk" it regularly via 1+1+1=1 and facebook. :)

    Mamagot5 - Australia

  3. What an awesome yet obvious idea! - but aren't they always :)

    My 3yo #4 (out of 5) has just become obsessed with numbers and... you guessed it! Ladybugs!What perfect timing.

    I love your blog and "stalk" it regularly via 1+1+1=1 and facebook. :)

    Mamagot5 - Australia

  4. Those are adorable! Are they made out of paper or felt?

  5. Those are super cute ! I'm with you - what could be more fun than an interactive ladybug ?? Lol. I don't mind the tedious task of making them, it can be done while relaxing :)
    Thanks for the idea !

  6. What a great idea ! I agree, interactive ladybugs would be fun !Lol. Thanks for the idea.

  7. That is so cute! Is there anything to do with them besides recognizing the number and counting dots?

  8. Those are too cute! I'm going to have to make some of those when my kids are ready for them!

  9. Cute!! I love these!!

  10. Oh, these are great. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I'm tempted to make them just because they are so cute!

  12. I know E will love this idea! Yours turned out great! How fun!


  13. These are great! I might just have to *cough* copy them myself ;-)

  14. ahh those are adorable :) so creative!

  15. Sweet! I shared link to your post on my Facebook page.

  16. Those are SO adorable.

    What did you use to attach the wings? I'm trying to figure out what to use so that I can open and close them.

  17. I came across your blog through brillkids. Your ideas are amazing! Thank you for sharing them with us :)

    I had a couple of questions for you, if you have some time:
    1. How did you teach him counting to 100?

    2. I LOVE the Montessori method but don't have any training. Is there some place where all the curriculum is spelt out? Right now I seem to be jumping all over the place teaching various things to my son- we are both enjoying it a lot though :-)

    He is 2 years 5 months and spelt his first 'at' phonetically yesterday, so somethings working :)

    Thanks again,


  18. These are so cute! I shared them on my blog :)

  19. Thanks for sharing, that's a lovely idea, great for mental arithmetic.

    I shared them on my blog

  20. Wonderful way of teaching the kids.... I'will surely use these tactics for my kid.


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