Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Special Day

Happy 3rd Birthday, Sweet Boy...I love you more than I could have ever imagined.


Alone in Holy Land said...

Happy birthday to your beautiful son from us too.
May Life be good to him!
Lots of kisses and cuddles from us.

Montessori Beginnings said...

Happy Birthday James! I know you will have a very special day with your family. What a cutie!

Eva said...

aww cute! my daughter just turned 3 recently too :)

Evelyn / 2 Pequenos Traviesos said...

Hey Mari-Ann! Our best Birthday wishes to very special young man, JAMES! May God bless him and the whole family. Boy, they grow so fast. I'm so happy for you, my dear bloggy-friend.
Hugs from PR

Karen said...

How sweet!!! Happy Birthday James!!!!! God Bless you!! Have a wonderful and fun day!!

Your friends from PR!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to my birthday buddy!!

Mommy Moment said...

Aww, Happy Birthday James!
What cute pictures! Thanks for sharing!


Cara said...

Happy birthday James! Great photos!

From Cara and Finley :)

Anonymous said...

Happy 3rd Birthday James!!

carine said...

Joyeux Anniversaire James!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

Happy birthday James!

Elise said...

Happy third birthday James. Wishing James a magical year.

Thank you so much for your touching words and well wishes for the arrival of Taleea. So lovely and very much appreciated Mari-Ann.

Deborah Stewart said...

I am sorry that I am late on the Happy Birthday - but Happy Birthday:)

Jen said...

Happiest of happy birthdays to sweet James!!!

Counting Coconuts said...

I am blown away by all the kind thoughts and words you've all sent my boy on his special day. Thank you so much!
We had a lovely weekend celebrating his birth, details are on my private blog if you're interested.



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