Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Shocked, honored, and humbled...

That's how I feel right now. Well, all that in addition to excited and just plain giddy! I am still in shock that Counting Coconuts won "Best Crafts, Plans & Projects Blog" in the Homeschool Blog Awards! I am beyond honored to be given such an award and I'm incredibly humbled to have been chosen when there were so many others in my category that are much more deserving of this award.

At the risk of sounding proud, I want to say a few thank yous because without everyone mentioned below, I wouldn't be receiving this awards in the first place!
First and foremost I thank God for planting in my head the idea of starting this blog just a little over a year ago and for helping me with it along the way. I have to admit, I have had times when I wasn't sure I wanted to continue blogging and it's through prayer and His guidance that I am still here sharing with you.

A HUGE thank you to my sweet, patient, and incredibly supportive husband, Paul. Never once have you given me grief about the amount of time blogging takes. Quite the opposite, in fact! You give me space to write, encouragement about ideas, and you're always generous with your faith and confidence in my abilities. Thank you, Love.

Of course I need to thank my little muse, James, for blessing me with his existence. If it weren't for his enthusiasm and his insatiable desire to learn, I wouldn't be creating any of these activities in the first place! Thanks, Peanut, for inspiring mama.

Thank you to The Homeschool Post for hosting this event - I can't imagine the time and effort it took to organize it all. Not everyone in our lives realizes just how big blogging is and just how hard us bloggers work at posting our thoughts and ideas. I think it's extremely important that we give our thanks and support to one another since we're all in this together. Blog awards are a wonderful way of doing that.

I also want to say a special thank you to my dear friend, Susan, who I met through blogging. Thank you for being there for me through my ups and downs, for helping me see the obvious when it's not so obvious to me and for being the wonderfully kind person you are. You're proof that true friendship can most definitely exist in the cyberworld.

And last, but definitely not least, thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you for voting for me and for your constant support - your kind and encouraging comments and emails mean so very much to me. You don't know how moved I am by the stories you share with me and how often I shake my head in disbelief that you find my ideas useful enough to implement in your homes and schools. Truly, I can't thank you enough.

Sheesh - I sound like I've won the Oscars or something, don't I?! I guess I'm just feeling really grateful. :)

Please join me in congratulating all of the winners. The Homeschool Post has shared links to the nominees and winners here.


City Sister said...

Congratulations! It is a beautiful blog...I love your works, especially the turkey button task.

Anonymous said...

yay congrats!! You deserve it :-)

Debbie said...

Congratulations, You DO deserve this award!

Kaci * Little Piles Everywhere said...

Your blog is great and creative. You deserve it. Congrats!

Darcey said...

Congratulations! You have a great blog and deserve the award!

Love and Lollipops said...

Congratulations Mari-Ann!! Enjoy the happy moment!! :)

Anne said...

Congratulations! While I'm not a homeschooler, I know I enjoy your crafts and activities regularly, and perhaps that's what makes you a winner: your posts are widely applicable and useful!

The Pennington Point said...

Congratulations! It was really fun to go through the blogs in this category and see what everyone else was doing. You have a great blog! Lots of wonderful ideas. It's nice to meet you. :) Lisa~

Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

Wonderful! Congratulations to you! :)

Leptir (NataĊĦa) said...

Congrats Mari-Ann, I must say I'm not surprised - you really deserve it :-)

Maureensk said...

Congrats! You totally deserve it!

Unknown said...

You Deserve this! I love love love your blog and sugguest it to my friends all time. I'm so glad that you blog and that you are willing to share all your idea's with us. COGRATS!! Sarah

Amy said...

Was so happy to see you won the award. Your blog has been such a blessing to our family. I just haven't had the time to be creative lately, so every weekend I turn to your creative, fun work and put it out on our learning shelves. Thank you! I've recently shared your blog with other homeschooling friends and they love it too.

Nikki's Mummy said...

Congratulations! I have just found your blog and am in awe of the many wonderful things you do with and for your son. You have given me so many ideas for future work with my own son (he's 13 months so a little young for a lot of them at the moment) and have inspired me to start my own blog. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! What an honor!

North American Montessori Center said...

Congratulations, Mari-Ann - well done!

Deb Chitwood said...

CONGRATS, Mari-Ann! Your blog is such a wonderful resource, and you definitely deserve the award! Sweet acceptance write-up, too!
Deb @ LivingMontessoriNow.com

Paul said...

Congratulation hun! Great job and we all know yours is the best blog out there!

The Mom I Want To Be said...

Congratulations!! You deserve it! I had the pleasure of meeting Susan, we live about 30 minutes from one another, and you are lucky to have found such a great friend!

Unknown said...

When I first begin exploring the Montessori Method I came across your blog and then I was hooked!! Congratulations to you and your family!! You so deserve this award and I must add your montessori works are so awesome, and inspirational. Thank you for sharing!!

Michelle said...

Congratulations I always enjoy your blog and you totally deserve this award!!

Nicole {tired, need sleep} said...

How exciting, Mari-Ann! Congratulations!! You put so much effort into your blog and everything about it is really beautiful (I thought you also ought to be in the best photography category), so good for you - enjoy your award! :)

Rusheika said...

congrats!!! I am sooo happy for you!

Linda said...

Congratulations!! Wonderful!! xo

Andrea said...

Congratulations! Thank you for all of the time you give to your blog. It is always a happy moment in the day to see when you have a new post! Hope you celebrate with your family!

Mara said...

Hi Mari-Ann,
Cheers to you and your award! Your blog is a treat to visit. Keep it up!

Elise said...

Mari-Ann, I am thrilled for you. Congratulations on this award. Your blog is a joy to follow as it is full of inspirational, creative ideas that are so lovingly and thoughtfully prepared. Thank you so much for taking the time to share all of your creativity with us.

Alone in Holy Land said...

You absolutely deserve it!

Zonnah said...

Grats! Oh and I voted for you, he he.

Olives and Pickles said...

I just got back from vacations..I am so so excited for you!! You are such a great great mama...and blogger too : )


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