Sunday, July 24, 2011

Montessori At Home! Review & Two-Part Giveaway!

~This giveaway is now closed!~

Have you heard of Montessori At Home!, the wonderfully resourceful book written by John Bowman? Yes? Then you know just what a treat one of you will be receiving!

For those that aren't familiar with the book, allow me to quote the author's website:
"Montessori At Home! shows you how to easily and inexpensively create over 200 brain building experiences for your preschooler. These Montessori activities are not complicated and require no special training for parents to do at home. We show you everything you need to know to give your child the benefits of these early learning experiences."

John was kind enough to offer me a free copy of his book to review and while the above quote is absolutely true, there's so much more to this fantastic how-to guide. (View sample pages)

Inside of this book you'll find:
::An extensive list of which Montessori materials work well at home as well as a comparative price list.
::Detailed activity guides complete with what age the activity is geared toward, the materials needed, the goal(s) of the activity, how to present it, and potential extensions.
::An informative, yet concise history of Montessori.
::Lots of links and shopping recommendations.
::Over 30 printable activity sheets including the Hundreds Board, Numeral Cards, and Land/Water Forms!

I was delighted to find several activities in Montessori At Home! that we had yet to try - here are just a few I've added to our shelves since reviewing the book:
100 Penny Layout with the Hundreds Board

Pipe Building. The book suggests using real piping materials, which I think is a really fun idea! We happened to have this marble run on hand and used it instead.

Tees & Marbles

Magnetic vs. Non-Magnetic

Fun stuff, right? Montessori At Home! is an excellent in home guide for those wanting to incorporate the Montessori method into their child's learning experience. It's perfect for teachers, parents, grandparents, and anyone with a passion for Montessori!

Now for the giveaway:
John offers Montessori At Home! in two formats: CD and e-book. His paperback version, titled Help Your Preschooler Build A Better Brain, is a bit more condensed though it too is a fantastic resource.

You can try your hand at winning a FREE copy of the CD and the book by entering this giveaway! Open to anyone, anywhere!!
~Please note: the CD and paperback copy of the book is available only to those in the US.
All other locations will receive a downloadable e-book.

AND because I'm feeling very "mother hen" right now (thanks, pregnancy hormones!), I'm throwing in a little something, too!
~Please note: this portion of the giveaway is only available if the winner is located in the US.
(Sorry - international shipping is just too expensive!)

I'm such a believer in providing Montessori activities at home that I really want one of your kiddos to benefit from something my son has enjoyed time and again. I'll be gifting the winner ONE of the following:

This juicing kit (from Montessori N' Such) - it comes with everything you see minus the oranges. :)


This set of Sandpaper Numerals (from Kid Advance) - a must have in any classroom.

The winner can chose which of the above materials they'd like to receive.

Here's how you can enter to win:
Mandatory entry:
1. Leave a comment on this post.

Extra entries:
2. Like Counting Coconuts on Facebook and leave me a separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
3. Follow Counting Coconuts and leave me a separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
5. After today come back and leave me one comment per day on this post until the end of the giveaway.

A couple of notes:
:: All comments are moderated - they will NOT appear immediately after you post them.
:: Do not leave your entry comments on the Counting Coconuts Facebook page - they will not be included.
:: Regarding separate comments - each entry will be counted as a chance to win. If you put all of your entry requirements into just ONE comment, you'll only have ONE chance to win.

This giveaway ends at 9pm (Atlantic Time) on Friday, July 29th. The winner will be announced the following day.

~Good luck, everyone!~


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Elizabeth said...

I would love to win this book! What a great educational

Elizabeth said...

I've liked CC on Facebook for a while now!

Elizabeth said...

I've been a CC's follower for over a year!

City Sister said...

What a great giveaway...I'm always looking for different things to incorporate into our work.

Meredith said...

I've wanted his book ever since I heard of it! It would be so helpful in our homeschooling endeavors. And you are so generous to include other items! I'm crossing my fingers :)

Monds & Mayberry said...

I would love to win this - my kinders would benefit from this for sure! Thanks for the chance to win.
cnmayberry at gmail dot com

Monds & Mayberry said...

I liked you on Facebook.

Monds & Mayberry said...

I follow your blog on Google Reader. Love your ideas!

Brynn said...

yay! a wonderful givaaway!

Brynn said...

i follow

allison said...

Mari-Ann! What a generous giveaway! thank you for the opportunity. I had not heard of Mr. Bowman's book, and am looking forward to learning more about it...and the juicing kit or sand paper numbers! tought choice! thanks for the chance to enter!

allison said...

I am a follower of Counting Coconuts!
thanks for the chance to enter!

Gloria O'Hare said...

I would love this book and CD! I am a preschool teacher and mother of a 3 year old and 2 month old. Although i do not teach at a Montessori school, i still love to incorporate the activities into our daily home and in my classroom! :)

Gloria O'Hare said...

I have already liked Counting Coconuts on Facebook! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! Couldn't pass on this one. Winning this would be so great!

Anonymous said...

I do "like" you on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

And now I follow you, too. I really want this. :-)

Cyndi-ella said...

What a generous give-a-way! Not being a Montessori certified teacher, but having exposed my 20 month old to practices since she was five months old, we'd love to have the Montessori at Home give-a-way. Thanks for making it available.

salserita92 said...

I love your blog. So many cute ideas, we would be tripled to receive this wonderful give away!

salserita92 said...

I already like you on Facebook!

lori said...

i always pick up an idea or two from following your blog. i have noted the pipe building one, *dusting off the marble tubes*, and the tees/marbles. :)

lori said...

i have followed counting coconuts on facebook for some time now.

Amanda said...

I haven't considered myself montessori-, homeschool-, or montessori homeschool-material. However, I found your blog while searching for activities for my toddler & am interested in implementing some of your activities at home. This book might be a good jumping point for me to get my act together. Thank you for all of the resources!

lori said...

and now you know i am going to say that i read counting coconuts whenever there is a new post.

Amanda said...

I follow your blog in Google reader :)

Olive's mum said...

What a nice giveaway, please count me in!

Olive's mum said...

I follow you GFC and in Google Reader

czfami said...

i am a new follower of your fun & wonderful blog !! i used to teach monetessori at a magnet school but am now blessed to stay home w/my own 3 lil sponges ! i would LOVE to WIN this book & orange juicing work !! ~angel~

The Monkey Boy's Mom said...

I have "liked" Counting Coconuts for a long time now!

The Monkey Boy's Mom said...

I think the juicing kit is adorable, but I am in LOVE with the sandpaper numbers, and I would love to read the book!

mamma to 4 said...

I love your blog! We just did the squeezing sponges with the garlic press yesterday.

mamma to 4 said...

I am already a follower and already have liked you on Facebook!

Abigail said...

oh, this looks wonderful, our son is only 19 moths, but we have already decided that a Montessori homeschool is for us, this will be so helpful!

Abigail said...

like you on FB
(Abigail L)

Abigail said...

follow you via GFC!

Lisa said...

I've been meaning to get my hands on Montessori at Home for a while, but haven't gotten to it yet. What an awesome giveaway!

Leptir (Nataša) said...

Thanks for great giveaway! I would like to receive Montessori at Home!

Leptir (Nataša) said...

I already like you on Facebook!

Leptir (Nataša) said...

I'm already your follower!

Dinah said...

Wow! This sounds like a great resource. I just began my search for a "montessori at home" book and stopped by your blog this am for some ideas. Great timing! I hope to be lucky enough to win. :)

Ashlea said...

Wow, Mari-Ann, what an awesome giveaway! I would love to win this!

nana pam said...

I have been wanting to get this wonderful resource. Homeschooling my almost 5 yr old this yr...she loves Montessori activities!

Katie said...

I would love to win this to expand my classroom resources.


Dinah said...

I already Like Counting Coconuts on Facebook.

nana pam said...

I already Like (infact LOVE) your Facebook page!

Katie said...

I follow your blog =)

nana pam said...

My daughter and I both follow and love your Counting Coconuts website!

Katie said...

I now like you on Facebook

Sippy Cup Central said...

What great ideas and great resources. We would love to add this to our homeschool. Thanks, Karen
Sippy CUp Central

Sippy Cup Central said...

We follow you here and on FB. Thanks, Karen

Dinah said...

I happily already follow Counting Coconuts.

Megan Elise said...

Thanks for the chance at this giveaway

Megan Elise said...

I follow you on facebook (and just in case you can't see my email from my profile - my address is megan_elise_(AT)hotmail(DOT)com

Megan Elise said...

I follow your blog ;-)

Sarah M said...

Yay! What a great resource to look forward to reading--even if I don't win! Thanks for the offer.

Sarah M

Sarah M said...

Also, I already follow you via Google reader! :)

Sarah M

Annette said...

Thank you for entering me in the giveaway!

Annette said...

Liked you on Facebook (Annette Fr.)

Renee said...

I would love a copy of the book/cd and the Montessori works!

Renee said...

I'm a facebook fan!

Swapna said...

would love to have it for my son ... and as my daughter is now 16 months will start schooling her soon would love to use all the ideas in the book

Jamey S said...

What an exciting give away! I have a 2 yr old and we are just starting out with sensory table type stuff.

Jamey S said...

I receive your blog updates in Google Reader. :) Hmmm seems my name isn't showing up. Jamey S

Eddie said...

Please count me in! I would love to win the book...I have been drooling over it and trying to squeeze some room into the budget. :)


Jamey S said...

I also love your Facebook page and recently 'like'd it. :) Jamey S.

Eddie said...

I'm a FB fan!


Eddie said...

I'm also an email subscriber. :) Don't want to take a chance on missing a post.......


Pretty Things by Laura H said...

I would LOVE to win this giveaway! Keeping my fingers crossed!

My email address is

Pretty Things by Laura H said...

I already "like" counting coconuts on Facebook! :)

Kristina said...

I already like you on Facebook. What a wonderful giveaway.

Kristina said...

I follow you. Can't wait to win.

Niki said...

I would love to see the ideas in Montessori At Home! I always enjoy finding new ideas through your blog.

Niki said...

I already follow you on FB!

Niki said...

I've been a follower for months now and love all the fabulous ideas!

Danit said...

What a fabulous giveaway! You are SUCH an inspiration, thank you so much~~~

Danit said...

I follow you on FB!

Danit said...

I follow your blog!

melissa said...

I would love to win this!
mjlundquist at gmail dot com

Elle Belles Bows said...

Mari-Ann! What a fabulous giveaway! Thanks so much for hosting it!


twolittleseeds said...

Oooh thanks Mari-Ann. I would love to win this for my boys. We follow you already...we love it. Thanks for the chance, blessings to you and your bump! xxx

Elle Belles Bows said...

I like you on FB:-)


Elle Belles Bows said...

I also follow you on GFC.



BeeBaker said...

Would love to win this giveaway! We're just building our Montessori resource set.

Liz said...

Hi, Mari-Ann,
I love your blog and would be so excited to check out this book! Thanks for offering your readers such a fabulous resource!
Liz Schwab

Liz said...

Hi, Mari-Ann,

Yes, I'm submitting another comment for the giveaway -- this one to tell you that I already like you on Facebook! (It's one of the main reasons for me to check Facebook!)
Thank you!
Liz Schwab

Liz said...

OK, it's try #3! I already follow your blog. Love it! It was the second blog I ever followed and is still my favorite. Thanks for your inspiration!

Liz Schwab

Melody said...

This is my first time visiting your blog. What a delight your blog is ! I'm still learning about the Montessori methods and hope to use them with my own children one day. Thanks for the chance to win. I think this would be a wonderful way to introduce things to my husband as well.

Melody said...

I just liked Counting Coconuts on FB.

Jamie said...

That looks like such a great book! Thanks for sharing!

Aimée said...

I already like Counting Coconuts on Facebook. Thanks so much for the chance to win such an amazing prize!! hoping to have my very own and first Montessori preschool class in Sept so this would be ideal!!

Aimée said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win such an amazing prize!! hoping to have my very own and first Montessori preschool class in Sept so this would be ideal!!

Aimée said...

I follow your blog! Thanks so much for the chance to win such an amazing prize!! hoping to have my very own and first Montessori preschool class in Sept so this would be ideal!!

kristin said...

What a great giveaway! This book is actually on my Amazon wish list right now, I've heard great things about it! And I love the juicing kit AND the sandpaper numerals.

Candice Y said...

Would LOVE to get my little guy's hands on this!

kristin said...

I already "like" you on fb, in fact, I'm always sharing you with all my friends!

Candice Y said...

Also follow you on Facebook.

kristin said...

I am already a blog follower. :)

Leanne said...

I've been considering this resource for my preschoolers. It would be fabulous to win it! Thanks for the giveaway.

Leanne said...

I also follow Counting Coconuts on Facebook.

Leanne said...

And I also follow your blog via email.

The Domestic Yogi said...

Thanks so much for the opportunity! I am so excited! x Crossing fingers x

Connie B. said...

These sound like great resources! I would love to have the numeral set :)


Dayrie said...

You have such GREAT ideas!! I love the ladybug addition. If the book you are giving away is anything like what you put together, I would LOVE to win :-)

Dayrie said...

I am a fan of your facebook page and regularly look at your comments. Thanks for the great ideas!

Connie B. said...

I follow you on Facebook.


Dayrie said...

I follow your posts on a regular basis. As I mentioned earlier, I LOVE your ideas, including the ladybug addition cards. My daughter's nickname is ladybug, so anything ladybugs is GREAT! :-)

Connie B. said...

Now I follow your blog.


Haley said...

So exciting! Love your blog!

Haley said...

I like Counting Coconuts of Facebook!

Haley said...

I like the Counting Coconuts blog.

Miller Moments said...

What a wonderful resource-one that I would love to have! :)

Melody said...

I'm following you too.

Nicole said...

Maybe I could win :)

Kelly said...

What a great giveaway! I'm just starting montessori trays at home and would really benefit teaching my three year old twins!

Kelly said...

I already follow you (under my husbands name) in facebook.

Kelly said...

I also already have you in my google reader.

Pamela said...

This looks like exactly what I have been looking for! :-)

Pamela said...

I like Counting Coconuts on facebook. :-)

Andrea said...

Thanks for sharing another wonderful resource! I especially loved the pictures of how you've used some of the activities!

April & Anthony Callison said...

This bog has really inspired me to reach Montessori prickles at home. Thanks for all that you do!

Amanda said...

Would LOVE to win this to use with my 19 month old little girl!!

Amanda said...

I follow CC!

Alison said...

I liked you on Facebook!

Alison said...

I'm an international follower and would love a copy off the e-book! *Fingers crossed*

Alison said...

I'm a follower too

Jenn said...

I like Counting coconuts on Facebook.
Jenn O.

Jenn said...

I follow Counting coconuts on Blogger.
Jenn O.

Christine said...

I follow you on FB.

Christine said...

I follow you also.

Jenn said...

What a great giveaway. I am excited about starting this method with my preschooler in the fall.
Jenn O.

lynda said...

Amazing giveaway! Would love to get my 21 month old started on montessori!

Amy said...

I love this giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity! It is so fun reading your blog, and I will miss reading it when you have your baby, but I completely understand the need to step away for a time. Thanks for all your great ideas!

Amy said...

I am following you on Facebook

Amy said...

and I "Like" your page :-)

lynda said...

Like counting coconuts on facebook.

lynda said...

Follow your blog on google reader.

Megan said...

What a fantastic giveaway! The book looks great!

Megan said...

I liked CC on Facebook :)

Kori said...

What a great giveaway! I Would love to get to read this book. And look at those materials too. So generous. kori.ireland at

Lydia said...

I love your blog and would love to try out this CD and book.

Kori said...

I follow you on my favorites bar.
kori.ireland at

Lydia said...

I like you on FB and wish you the best withyour new little bundle.

Lydia said...

I follow your blog too!

Athinoulaki said...

it's a great give away. I hope i win the e-book!you do a great job!

jengd said...

Sounds like a fabulous book! Thanks for the chance!

jengd said...

I'm a FB fan of yours

jengd said...

I follow your blog

Debra said...

I have followed your blog for over a year. I am a kindergarten teacher and am drawn to montessori inspired activities. I would love to win this book. It might give me some new inspiration for the coming school year!

Debra said...

I "liked" you on facebook!

Rachel Kaylynn said...

Going to start home schooling my boys this fall, the book looks like it be a great resouce!

Rachel Kaylynn said...

Also just started following you :)

My life in a blog said...

What a great giveaway! :)

My life in a blog said...

I "liked" CC on facebook!

My life in a blog said...

I already follow CC.

lovethesun said...

I already use Montessori at home with my son. What a great resource you will be! Thanks!

Trish said...

I am going to start teaching my little girls a few things this year and this would be a great resource :)

lovethesun said...

I also liked you on FB!

Trish said...

I follow your blog :)

lovethesun said...

and I am following your blog. I look forward to learning from you!

Therese said...

Both resources would be a great addition to my Pre-K classroom!

Therese said...

And I already like you on FB!

Ms. Christina said...

I am so excited about your giveaway- both parts!

Ms. Christina said...

I follow your blog.

ShellyRenae640 said...

I just was given your blog address from a preschool teacher I met here in Washington. I love your blog! I am learning so much. You have educated me about Montessori in a way that I feel excited to start working with my 3 kids the Montessori way. I have always felt like children should be given real materials to work with. This method of teaching has validated that and helped me understand a better way of intoducing them. Thank you for all the time you put into this blog! I would love to win this book and continue my education on how to better teach my children.

Whitney said...

I'd love to win!

whitneysnow20 @

Yelena said...

Awesome giveaway and I'm keeping my fingers crossed :)

Yelena said...

I already follow your blog. Does that count?

ShellyRenae640 said...

I liked you on facebook and now follow your blog. Thanks for all you do!

Amy said...

Love your blog! This giveaway is awesomeL

Amy said...

Follow you on FB!

Amy said...

Follow you on google reader!

Karra said...

Wow! What a great giveaway! I was just looking at this book the other day and would LOVE to win!



Karra said...

I like you on facebook already!

Karra said...

I follow your wonderful blog!

Thanks again!

Chestnut Grove Academy said...

would love to win!

Chestnut Grove Academy said...

already follow you on FB

Chestnut Grove Academy said...

already follow you on GFC! Love your blog

Leah said...

I've been reading your posts for quite a while now and am always impressed by what you have to share. I would love a shot at winning the book.

Leah said...

I have also liked you on FB.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the tees and marbles work! Would love this book to use with my kiddos;+)

Thank you!

Liz said...

Awesome giveaway! I would love to win these resources. We start (home)school again in a few weeks and I've been hoping to implement some more Montessori activities this year. This would be a great resource! THANKS!

Jessi/Bella's Mommy said...

You are an inspiration! Hope pregnancy is going great and wishing you lots of energy!

Liz said...

I "like" CC on Facebook.

Jessi/Bella's Mommy said...

And I follow your blog :)

Liz said...

I follow CC on Google Connect.

Cathy C. said...

Would love to win this book! Thanks for all your inspiration.

Cathy C. said...

I'm a follower in Google Reader.

Cathy C. said...

I just "liked" you on Facebook.

Catherine said...

Love the giveaway! Thanks!

Catherine said...

I like you on Facebook.

--sme said...

How very generous of you to share these resources. Thank you!

--sme said...

I 'Like' Counting Coconuts on Facebook.

--sme said...

...and I follow Counting Coconuts on Google Reader (which is how I saw this giveaway!)

jaem said...

I'd love to read this book!

jaem said...

I liked your page on facebook

Stephanie said...

Wow! What a giveaway! As always Mari-Ann you have out done yourself! :) We would Love to win this! Thanks for offering it!

jaem said...

I follow your blog with my google reader.

Stephanie said...

I follwo on FB!!!!!

Stephanie said...

I have followed your blog for a long time! Love it!

p.dogs3 said...

Sounds like a great book......

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