Friday, September 3, 2010

Logging Off

Well, friends, I'll be taking a break from blogging for a while. Don't worry, I'm not saying goodbye for good - I'll be back in a month or so.

I'll miss blogging and reading about the wonderful things you're doing, but it's important I take this time to focus on all of the things going on here. We're getting ready to move into a new home and any of you who've done this know what a time-consuming process it can be! Also, I need to spend some time setting up our new classroom (SO excited about this!) and preparing for our school year.

Since I'm an all or nothing kind of gal going totally offline is really the only way I'll be able to focus. That said, I'm sorry I won't be answering emails or updating my Facebook page much during my hiatus. If I still owe you an email I'll be sure to respond before I log off.

When I come back I'll have a few giveaways, some new sensory tubs to share, photos of our new classroom, as well as a few posts in which I'll answer your questions about sensory tubs, how I organize my materials and why we've decided to homeschool James. Lots to share!

Wishing you all a lovely start to your school year!

~Thank you for your comments!~


W-S Wanderings said...

And a lovely start to the school year to you too! I look forward to your return, when it is the right time.


Jess said...

Have a fabulous break...though seems you will be busier than ever! Hope house moving goes well and I cant wait to see your new school set up. I love your blog and the wonderful creativity that flows from it. Ill miss your posts, but at least this gives me a chance to go through your archives and catch up on some activities I have been meaning to do. See you when you get back! (:

Kylie said...

Good luck with the move and have a nice break.

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

See you soon xxx

Anonymous said...

totally understand!! Good luck in the move! I can't wait to see the finished product!

XYZZ said...

Have a wonderful break and enjoy making your new house a home!

Nicole {tired, need sleep} said...

Good luck with your move! I completely understand the all or nothing and being able to focus!:) I hope all goes smoothly for you and I'm looking forward to reading the posts you mentioned!

Deborah Stewart said...

Enjoy your time off and get lots done! I will miss you:)

Olives and Pickles said...

I understand, moving is a lot of work!! blessings.Patty

Jen said...


Ok, I'm better now. What am I going to read with my morning coffee for the next month "or so" (PLEASE tell me you'll be back in no less than 30 days!). You'll be seriously missed. :(

Good luck with the move, can't wait to see what you do with your beautiful new home!!

Förskoleburken said...

I'll miss your posts, but I hope you will have a nice break. I'm moving soon too, so I totally understand your decision! See you soon!

Leptir (Nataša) said...

Good luck & "see" you soon!
I can't wait all the posts that are announced ;-)


jess_hak said...

I agree with Jen lol. I will miss you. However, like someone else said it will give me time to catch up on your archives :) I have raided every second hand store within 15 miles of me (I'm lucky....we have tons of them here), found some great stuff, and this break will give me the opportunity to catch up (and my hubby will thank you, because it will enable me to stop spending money lol).

Have a wonderful month. And hoping that moving and setting up goes well for you all!

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a wonderful break. Can't wait to see what you will have for us when you get back.

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

I really respect your ability to drop off completely - I am way too addicted to my online life. Good luck with your move!

Theresa Mezo said...

enjoy your well deserved break, hope your move goes smoothly! :)

Elise said...

I hope your move goes smoothly and wish you all the best with that.

I am looking forward to following your truly inspirational blog when you are in a position to return.

Ms Muffin said...

Wishing you a great time offline! :-)

CamelsNDragons said...

Good for you to know when to take a break and not try to do it all. We are also "preparing to move" and I really struggle with closing the toy workshop for awhile. I don't have as many "readers" so there is less pressure to create blog filler or have guest posts to get through it. I love the apple pie activity and will try it this week. The I SPY bingo using the sensory box will be perfect for KP who tends to get bored with anything that is not pretend play. We have had better luck with using my art history books for the concept.

2 Pequeños Traviesos said...

Hi there, my friend. As you know, I'm on a blog break. I've been enjoying so much my break. I've accomplished so many things! Although, I'm happy I decided to get a break I miss beautiful friends like you. I came by to check out a place mat you once sew, and boy, it is so hard log off your blog. You're such a wonderful mama!!!
Big hugs,
Evelyn and her 2 little rascals

Don't forget to visit if you ever come to PR...

Maureensk said...

I hope your move goes smoothly. I just started reading your blog and have really enjoyed it and am looking forward to your return. BTW, I have a blog award for you! It's posted at


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