Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bath Time Sensory Tub

Since our harvest sensory tub ended up being used only outdoors (note: straw is MESSY!), I decided to put together a second tub for James to use indoors.

This fun tub is all about bath time and it was a HUGE hit with James!

Here's what's inside:
:: Cotton balls (aka bubbles)
:: Blue pom-poms
:: Scented bar of soap (this smells sooo good!)
:: Clear plastic crystals
:: Large, blue glass stones
:: Glass baby food jar (for collecting and pouring)
:: A little rubber duckie :)
:: Alphabet beads
:: Fish-shaped bath mat (the suction cups hold the beads perfectly)
:: Tweezers (to transfer the beads to the mat)

~Thank you for your comments!~


Anonymous said...

This is very cute! Where did you find the fish shape bath mat...and how big is it?

**Ashley P** said...

What an AWESOME idea! I am ADDICTED to your blog!

Susan said...

How FUN! You're a fount of creative ideas!

Elle Belles Bows said...

Very inviting tub!! Blue an white colors are great for this "frosty" time of year too. Kerri

Jenna said...

I love this idea! You are very talented. I am an occupation therapy student in a pediatric setting and have found your blog so helpful. Thanks!


Debbie said...

How fun is that?!! Wow! : )

Christy Killoran said...

That is the cutest sensory tub I have ever seen!

Vallimasoos said...

This is so awesome! I'll have to do this sometime soon!

Annette said...

Love this one! It is so cute! I was thinking about doing a snowflake sensory bin in Jan/Feb with my kiddos and was thinking of using cotton balls. I was wondering how the cotton balls would work out, so I am so glad to see it with your bath time sensory!

Deb Chitwood said...

You did it again, Mari-Ann! Awesome sensory tub! The tweezers/suction cup transferring is always popular and great for coordination. How great that in addition to this sensory tub’s wonderful and soothing sensorial attributes, it has language and practical life possibilities as well!

Ashley said...

That is just adorable! You are very creative!

Rebecca said...

Oh.My.Gosh. Cutest sensory bin ever!

Anonymous said...

That's such a cute sensory tub! With cotton balls being so soft, I can imagine any child would LOVE to play with this one! And I love that it would be so easy to clean up. Thanks for the ideas once again :)

Leesa said...

I absolutely LOVE this sensory box!!! I am going to make one as similar to this as possible. I just know that my boys are going to love it! Thank you for posting your awesome sensory boxes. I get some great ideas from you!

inspiredmontessori said...

Adorable and so enticing! Any child would be thrilled to play in this tub.

Lucía Almarche said...

Estoy realmente sorprendida por todas las actividades que haces con tu hijo. Tienes una gran imaginación para realizar todas las actividades y realmente eres una gran educadora 'montessori' aunque me parece perfecta la idea de añadir otras técnicas, como en esta actividad, el baño sensiorial me parece algo fascinante. Enhorabuena.
(siento no escribir en inglés)

Love and Lollipops said...

What a super idea!! This looks like so much fun...I just want to dive in ...hee hee

Cristina said...

My name's Cristina Lopez and I write from Spain. I have been charmed with your Blog and especially the latter entry because I had never thought that to do a sensory panel was so easy and so original. Congratulation!!!!!

Judith said...

Pienso que tu blog es muy interesante y que esta lleno de muchas ideas que se pueden utilizar tanto en casa cono en la escuela para que los niños aprendan.

Lourdes said...

Es fantástico el que podamos compartir contigo tus descubrimentos.
Como estudiantes de educación infantil nos es de mucha ayuda el poder coger ideas de tu blog.
Muchas gracias por tus aportaciones, un saludo desde España!

Darcey said...

I think this is the cutest sensory tub you've done so far. What a fun and creative idea! No wonder James loved it. this post was one of my favorites this week and I've linked up to it here:

Cristina said...

Hello from Spain.
I really like the idea of making a house with only a table. I wish you provide us more ideas.

saramarrona said...

Hola! Me llamo Sara y soy una estudiante de Educación Infantil en España. Pienso que tu blogg es realmente increible... eres una persona muy muy creativa y muy dedicada a la educación de tu hijo, y me parece algo maravilloso!!
Creo que tus ideas son muy originales y muy útiles... estoy segura de que me serán de gran ayuda en el futuro...
Muchas gracias por compartir toda esta información con el resto de gente... eres increible!
Mi más sincera enhorabuena!!!
Un saludo!!!

Anonymous said...

I tried a sensory tubs with rice and it was super messy. Cotton balls are right up my alley.

The Sunshine Crew said...

Wonderful sensory tub! Such a great idea.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a nice week,

Marta said...

Hi I am Marta Navalón!
I like your ideas,they are fantastic!
I like the activity of the sensory tub!

Irene Gonzalez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mª Carmen Alfonso said...

Hola, saludos desde España. Me ha parecido muy interesante tu blog, además muchas cosas las podré poner en práctica con mi hija de 1 año, la bañera sensorial me parece genial, y sobretodo me ha hecho mucha gracia lo de los bloques hielo para congelar tesoros. El verano que viene lo pondré en práctica. Eres muy creativa, enhorabuena por tu blog y un saludo.

Pamela said...

Hola, soy Pamela desde España, enhorabuena por tu trabajo, ¡sois unos artistas!

Arantxa said...

Hello! I'm Arantxa from Spain. I like very much your blog because you are very creative and you know give you unimaginable material uses. You work all aspects of the child and I give much importance to that. Thanks for sharing your blog. Congratulations!

Marta said...

My name is Marta Carrascosa, I write from Spain. I've like a lot your activities, are fantastic

Yaiza said...

Hi!! my name is Yaiza and I'm from Spain. I love your blog. I think it is very interesting. I study children education and I have learned many things with your blog. Congratulation. Best wishes Yaiza said...

Hello!! my name is Sherezade and I write from Spain... I love your creative!! It's fantastic, and cheaper!
Finally I think that your children are very lucky because you are very big mum.

Irene Gonzalez said...

Hello!!I'm Irene from Spain!
I study Children Education and I love your blog a lot.You are very creative.
Fantastics ideas!!
Great job!!

merche said...

I think It,s fantastic. The activities that you do with your children are really creatives and the materials aren,t expensive. Congratulations!!!!!!

Corrie said...

Awhile ago you wrote about your rules for sensory boxes. I finally have tried them using your rules. I can't believe my 3 and 2 year old actually keep the sensory stuff in the boxes! Whoa! Now I'm so excited about all the possibilities! Thanks for your help!

BTW, I set it up so they can only use it at the kitchen table while I'm making supper. Lately making supper has been so much quicker and easier!!! Double Thanks!

Maureensk said...

Cool tub! I like how you included the tweezing and pouring items in the tub.

Unknown said...

Just had to stop by after seeing your link as posted winner on HSBAPost!! Congratulations! :)
You have such a FANTASTIC blog!! What great ideas!! No wonder you won the prize ;) Many blessings!

Anonymous said...

I love it! How cute!

Anonymous said...

Me encantan todas las actividades que le haces a tu hijo. Son verdaderamente buenas y pienso que para nuestro futuro como educadoras nos sirven de gran ayuda y de buena referencia. greetings from Spain

jurgita said...

Hello from Spain!
I think that you blog the " counting Coconuts" is very original and cretive.
Is fantastic!!

Lidia said...

Es muy interesante la propuesta que proponen :D


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