Friday, July 27, 2012

PlanetBox Review & Giveaway!!

~This giveaway is CLOSED~

I'm positive most of you have heard of PlanetBox, but for those who haven't, get ready to learn about a truly awesome resource that's great for EVERYONE!

To quote PlanetBox's website, PlanetBox is:
"lunch transportation for a green generation".
I just love that!

I would have been tickled pink to have a lunch box like this when I was a kid. I had a blue plastic Smurf lunch box (which I still have, btw!). I remember when I'd open it at lunchtime I'd find the little plastic baggies of food were all jumbled together and smooshed after having been pummeled by my matching :) thermos. Oh and I remember the latch on that box, too - that flimsy thing would pop open and my sad little lunch would end up all over the sidewalk. Really, no joke - that happened to me! It's funny to think about now, but even at 7 years old that drove me crazy!

Well, I'm delighted to say that PlanetBox has come up with a fantastic solution to those old lunch box problems. They designed lunch trays with compartments! More than that, the compartments are specifically measured with portion control in mind. And the latch on the box is excellent in that not only does it stay closed when needed, it's easy for little hands to manipulate. No tricky closures here!

Want to know what is really cool about these boxes? They are made of stainless steel which means they are non-toxic, they won't stain, and they don't retain the odors from lunches past! Also, they are completely reusable! Totally eco-friendly AND they're dishwasher safe. Talk about economical and efficient!

Want to know what James would say is the coolest thing about these boxes? The magnets! The founders and creators of PlanetBox (a husband & wife team who are parents themselves) didn't overlook the fact that they were making lunch boxes for kids. They came up with the brilliant idea of making magnet sets to adhere to the outside of the box. They are removable and you can mix and match the many sets!

We've had our PlanetBox for about a year now and we just l-o-v-e it. We've used it quite often over the past 12 months and I'm pleased to say it's still as good as new!

Here's a photo of James and his Planetbox. (This day's meal included: carrot sticks, pitted cherries, blueberries, popcorn, star shaped peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat, and a few gluten free cookie buttons.) James and I have such fun coming up with new ideas for filling up those compartments and new ways to display his food. He enjoys his meals so much and I know he's getting everything he needs and in just the amount he needs.

(Feeling not so creative when it comes to food combos? There are TONS of meal ideas on PlanetBox's Facebook page and an excellent grocery list printable on their store website.)

And with this handy carrying bag, it's super easy for James to tote his lunch to camp. The handle is just his size and the whole system is sleek - not at all bulky. On the outside of the bag there's a place for his water bottle, and a pocket for a mid-morning snack. On the inside is an interior slot for a PlanetBox cold kit, and even a couple little straps that secure utensils or a sweet little love note. :)

We have the complete Rover set, so we also have these awesome little "dippers". We use these containers all.the.time. They are excellent for holding wet and dry foods. And they don't have to be used with your lunch box, either. In fact, both of our dippers are in my diaper bag right now holding cheerios and goldfish crackers! :)

Ok, so now you understand why I'm such a huge fan of PlanetBox. Would you like one of your own? You can hop on over to the PlanetBox shop and buy one now. True, they initial price may seem a tiny bit high, but consider the fact that these are reusable - meaning they'll last you a lot longer than a brown paper bag and plastic baggies! Care for them properly and you'll enjoy your lunch box for YEARS! It ends up being a savings for sure.

You can also enter to WIN a PlanetBox! Yep, that's right, the lovely folks at PlanetBox are very generously gifting a Rover set to one of my readers! And we're talking the COMPLETE set here! (A $60 value!)

One very lucky person will receive:
:: 1 Rover lunch box
:: 1 Magnet set (the design is the winner's choice)
:: 1 Dipper set
:: 1 Carry bag (the color is the winner's choice)

Are you excited?! I am!! I'm thrilled that one of you will get to enjoy the fun and goodness that is PlanetBox! :D

Here's what you need to do to enter to win:
Mandatory entry:
1. Leave a comment on this post.

Extra entries (i.e. more chances to win!!):
2. Like PlanetBox on Facebook and leave me a separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
3. Follow PlanetBox on Pinterest and leave me a separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
4. Like Counting Coconuts on Facebook and leave me a separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
5. Follow Counting Coconuts on Pinterest and leave me a separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
6. Subscribe to Counting Coconuts (in whatever way suits you) and leave me a separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
7. After today come back and leave me one comment per day on this post until the end of the giveaway.

*Reminder re: separate comments - each entry will be counted as a chance to win. If you put all of your entry requirements into just ONE comment, you'll only have ONE chance to win.

This giveaway will end on Thursday, August 2nd at 9pm Atlantic Time, and is open only to those with a US address.

Good luck!

~All photos courtesy of


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The Tate Family said...

What a wonderful product for my soon-to-be Kindergartener! Would love to win this set. Thanks for sharing!

kristin said...

I've been wanting to try a Planetbox for a long time, great giveaway!!

Joy said...

I love our Laptop lunchbox but have also wanted to try a planet box for variety.

tabatha said...

Cute! I'd love to win, Thanks!

Joy said...

I'm RSS subscribed to you!

Joy said...

Following you on Pinterest.

kristin said...

I like PlanetBox on fb!

Cheryl said...

lOVE IT!!!!

The Tate Family said...

Just liked PlanetBox on Facebook!

tabatha said...

Already follow Counting Coconuts on FB!

Cheryl said...

Love it!!!!

Joy said...

Following planet box on Pinterest

Rachel May said...

1 - Liked them on FB (AWESOME giveaway and thank you!)

Christina. said...

I would LOVE to win this for my son - we go on picnics every week and this would be perfect!

kristin said...

I'm following PlanetBox on pinterest!

Michelle Irinyi said...

What a great idea! I love that it's all-in-one and you don't have to use plastic. Keeps the clutter down in the kitchen storage area!

Shanea said...

I love reuseable lunch containers. Makes life so much easier!

tabatha said...

Follow Counting Coconuts on Pinterest too!

Rachel May said...

2 - Liked Planetbox on FB

kristin said...

I like Counting Coconuts on fb!

Unknown said...

Followed you on facebook!

Shanea said...

These are such cool lunchboxes!

Miss Hauter said...

Love this giveaway!!! :)

Rachel May said...

3 - liked counting coconuts on FB

kristin said...

I'm following Counting Coconuts on pinterest!

Shanea said...

I follow CC on Pinterest.

2busymom2six said...

Wow! This is the neatest lunch system I have ever seen! So much better than the ones that we have struggled with over the years and have wasted $$ plus resources! I hope I win! Thanks for the give away opportunity and for your blog! I get so many great ideas from you!

Jennifer said...

This would be so perfect for my son who is headed to kindergarten this year!

Unknown said...

Followed you on pinterest, love your pins:)

kristin said...

I subscribe to Counting Coconuts by email!

Rachel May said...

4 - following on Pinterest

Miss Hauter said...

I liked Planetbox on fb!

Shanea said...

I follow CC on GFC/FB!

The Tate Family said...

Now following PlanetBox on Pinterest

Christina. said...

I liked PlanetBox on facebook!

The Tate Family said...

I already follow you on facebook and love it!

Rachel May said...

Our son starts PreK this Fall and I have been eye balling these Planetbox for awhile now. Awesome giveaway and thank you!!

Suz and Brandon said...


Laura said...

I've always wanted to try one of these. Thanks for the chance!

Miss Hauter said...

I've subscribed/already follow your blog! :)

tabatha said...

Followed Planetbox on Pinterest too but the link doesn't go straight to their Pinterest page just thought I'd let you know! Thanks again for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Liked planetbox on facebook!

Laura said...

And I already "like" CC on Facebook.

Unknown said...

I love these lunch boxes. I had something similar for my daughter last year, but this is a much more complete set-up!
-Sarah Hardy Scott

Unknown said...

Love this concept! :)

The Tate Family said...

I am now following you on Pinterest. How exciting!

Rachel May said...

Following you via your Blog now. Good luck everyone for the giveaway!!

Unknown said...

Already a follower of counting coconuts on pineterest

Unknown said...

I liked on Facebook!
-Sarah Hardy Scott

Unknown said...

I liked on Facebook!
-Sarah Hardy Scott

Unknown said...

I had never seen PlanetBox before seeing it on your blog....I would love these for my family!

Unknown said...

I follow on Pinterest and Facebook as well!
-Sarah Hardy Scott

Unknown said...

Followed planetbox on pinterest!

Unknown said...

I have liked PlanetBox on FB

All My Golden Heart said...

Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

I have been a FB fan of Counting Coconuts for some time :)

Crystal said...

My new preschooler would be tickled to have this lunchbox all to herself!

Suz and Brandon said...

Liked PlanetBox on FB! Whoo hoo these are awesome

Nicole F. said...

I have been looking for a great lunchbox for my soon-to-be kindergartner and it would be soo wonderful to win this!
Thank you for all of you time and hard work you put into your blog. We use many of your idea in our daily lives with the kiddos.

Unknown said...

I have 4 kids from 3rd grade to college. I have never seen these lunch boxes before but thiink they are AWSOME! I would love to win one for one of my my kids!

All My Golden Heart said...

Liked PlanetBox on FB.

Nicole F. said...

I follow you on Facebook

Proud Mommy said...

My little boy starts kindergarten this fall. I can not think of a better lunch box for him than planetbox. I would be delighted to win this awesome treat. Thank you so much for your amazing blog. I read it daily!

Nicole F. said...

I follow Planetbox on Facebook

The Tate Family said...

I already subscribe to Counting Coconuts. I truly love your site and have been incorporating several of your ideas with my oldest child since I discovered you last summer :)

Proud Mommy said...

My little boy starts kindergarten this fall. I can not think of a better lunch box for him than planetbox. I would be delighted to win this awesome treat. Thank you so much for your amazing blog. I read it daily!

Suz and Brandon said...

And finally liked your site on FB!

Crystal said...

And I already like your facebook page!

Unknown said...

I have 4 kids from 3rd grade up to college. I would love to win one of these AWSOME lunch boxes!!!

Nicole F. said...

I follow you on Pinterest

Nicole F. said...

I subscribe to your blog

All My Golden Heart said...

Following on Pinterest.

Unknown said...

I would love to have PlanetBoxes for my family!

2busymom2six said...

Liked on Facebook :)

Pickled Pandas said...

What a great giveaway! I've never heard of this company before, but I really love their philosophy and think that they have managed to make the perfect lunch box. The big plus for me is that it looks like a bento box!

Christina. said...

Hi again! I also like Counting Coconuts on Facebook!

Unknown said...

Wow! I have been looking for something just like this! Please consider this my first contest entry. :) Thanks for introducing an awesome product.

2busymom2six said...

Following Planetbox on Pintrest :)

Unknown said...

My daughter is starting Kindergarten this year and I've been wanting to get her a PlanetBox or two for school!

Pickled Pandas said...

I like planetbox on facebook (amber n cj bowman)

2busymom2six said...

Liked Planetbox on Facebook :)

Proud Mommy said...

I just "liked" planetbox on facebook. (PeteNKayla Vallejo):)

Unknown said...

I have liked Counting Coconuts on Facebook. :)

Dannielleq said...

That Planetbox lunch box looks awesome! I hope I win.

Unknown said...

I have liked PlanetBox on Facebook

All My Golden Heart said...

Following CC on Pinterest

Unknown said...

I Like PlanetBox on Facebook!

2busymom2six said...

Following Counting Coconuts on Pintrest :) I LOVE all your ideas! Thank you for sharing!

All My Golden Heart said...

Liked CC on FB.

Proud Mommy said...

I am also a follower on pinterest now!:)

Unknown said...

I Like Counting Coconuts on Facebook!

milagros said...

Like Counting Coconuts

Sol said...

I love planet box lunch boxes!!

Sol -

Proud Mommy said...

I am a follower of counting coconuts on pinterest.:)

milagros said...

Liked Counting Coconuts

Dannielleq said...

Just liked PlanetBox on FB!!

Proud Mommy said...

I am also a follower of counting coconuts on facebook!:)

Selena said...

Woo Hoo! Thanks for the awesome giveaway opportunity!

Nicole F. said...

I follow Planetbox on Pinterest.

MomonaMission said...

Thank you for having this giveaway! My son starts Prek (he is 3) next month!

Lost in Translation said...

Please enter me to win

Selena said...

I am already a fan of Planetbox on FB! :)

Dannielleq said...

I already like you on FB :)

Selena said...

I'm already a fan of Counting Coconuts on FB!

MomonaMission said...

I like Planet Box on FB :)

Pickled Pandas said...

I follow planetbox on pinterest (

Lost in Translation said...

I likes planet box on facebook

Christine said...

Wow, I had not heard of this bit it looks great. Thanks for the giveaway.

MomonaMission said...

I follow Planet Box on Pinterest.

Lost in Translation said...

I follow planet boy on pinterest

Renee said...

My daughter would love this!

Pickled Pandas said...

I like counting coconuts on facebook (amber n cj bowman)

Lost in Translation said...

I follow counting coconuts on facebook

Proud Mommy said...

I am finally a follower on your blog. After a LONG time following you I never So now I am an actual follower. Thanks again for all your great ideas!:)

MomonaMission said...

I like Counting Coconuts on FB (of course!!)

Lost in Translation said...

I follow counting cocouts on pinterest

Pickled Pandas said...

I follow counting coconuts on pinterest (

MomonaMission said...

I follow counting coconuts on Pinterest.

Lost in Translation said...

I subscribe to the blog on google blog reader

MomonaMission said...

I follow your blog via google.

Christine said...

I follow you on fb

Katrina said...

great giveaway!

victory said...

what a great giveaway!

victory said...

I liked PlanetBox on facebook

victory said...

I like counting coconuts on facebook

Nancy said...

these look incredible!

The Domestic Yogi said...

Thanks for the opportunity!

The Domestic Yogi said...

Liked you on FB

Ellen said...

I feel like I must have been under a rock ... I have never even heard of a planet box - but I LOVE it!! Very cool and can think of so many uses for it!

Orchard View Academy said...

We have been lusting over PlanetBox for quite awhile now. I think my girls would love it, and the separate spots would encourage me to be a little more "creative" when making lunches.

Orchard View Academy said...

Like Planetbox on Facebook

Orchard View Academy said...

Like Counting Coconuts of Facebook

Ellen said...

I like Planetbox on Facebook.

Ellen said...

I now follow planetbox on Pinterest.

Kristin said...

I liked planet lunch box on Facebook!

Ellen said...

I already like Counting Coconuts on Facebook. ;)

Kristin said...

...and I have followed them on Pinterest

Anonymous said...

My son is starting kindergarten full time this year after 3 LONG years of preschool special education. This set would be perfect for him, he loves learning about the planets and mama wouldnt have to worry about badly crafted lunch bags anymore!

Pickled Pandas said...

I subscribe via email pickledpandas AT gmail DOT com

Olive's mum said...

Wow! Great product! Thanks for this giveaway!

Ellen said...

I subscribe to counting coconuts via e-mail subscription.

Kristin said...

I already like you on FB :)

Anonymous said...

I liked PlanetBox of facebook :)

Kristin said...

I have followed you on Pinterest!

Anonymous said...

I already like Counting Coconuts on facebook!

Kristin said...

I am following you with GFC. I am very excited about this giveaway. I have a little one starting Kindergarten and she would just love this lunch box!

Anonymous said...

I am following PlanetBox on Pinterest!

Jessica said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway. This looks like an incredibly fun lunchbox!

Jackie M said...

Love this giveaway! Thanks so much!

Jessica said...

I like Counting Coconuts on FB.

Anonymous said...

Following Counting Coconuts on Pinterest :)

Jackie M said...

I follow you on facebook too.

Jackie M said...

I follow planetbox on facebook too

Jessica said...

I like PlanetBox on FB.

Emilyah said...

These are awesome, I'd never heard of planetbox buy would love one for my soon-to-be kindergartener.

Emilyah said...

I like counting coconuts on Facebook

Jackie M said...

I follow you on pintrest too

Jackie M said...

I follow planetbox on pintrest.

Emilyah said...

I like planet box on Facebook

Emilyah said...

I follow.counting coconuts on pinterest

Emilyah said...

I subscribe to counting coconuts. :)

Sara M. said...

I'd love to win!

Leah Rempel said...

Love planetbox and it would be great to win one for my younger son as I just bought one for my older son!

Unknown said...

This is a fantastic giveaway! I've been wanting to get PlanetBoxes for my kids. Thank you for the chance!

Unknown said...

I subscribe to PlanetBox on Facebook.

Unknown said...

I subscribe to PlanetBox on Pinterest.

Unknown said...

I subscribe to Counting Coconuts on Facebook.

Leah Rempel said...

I subscribe to your blog through Google reader.

Unknown said...

I follow Counting Coconuts on Pinterest.

Unknown said...

I subscribe to Counting Coconuts on Google Reader. Don't want to miss a post. :)

TiffanySue said...

I have never heard of these, but now I want one for my son! Thanks for sharing!

Soggy Bottom Keatons said...

Would love to win! Love it!

TiffanySue said...

I already like your page on FB!

sproutlings said...

I love Planetbox for school lunches for my son. I would feel so guilty throwing away food wrappers, containers, plastic baggies everyday. Hoping to win another one for my preschooler. Thanks for the chance.

TiffanySue said...

I follow you on Pinterest

Lori said...

Looks nice! I also had a smurf lunchbox. :)

Soggy Bottom Keatons said...

Liked Planet box on Facebook.

Lori said...

I like Counting Coconuts on Facebook

Soggy Bottom Keatons said...

Followed planet box on Pinterest!

Soggy Bottom Keatons said...

Already following Counting Coconuts on Pinterest!

CindyB said...

I've never seen anything like this before. It would not only be good for my son but maybe also my hubbie's lunches.

Soggy Bottom Keatons said...

Already "liked" Counting Coconuts on Facebook.

Lori said...

I'm following you on Pinterest

Soggy Bottom Keatons said...


Lori said...

I'm following Planet Box on Pinterest.

Unknown said...

I just love planetbox!!

Unknown said...

I liked planetbox on Facebook!!

Kelly said...

My son loves his Laptop lunchbox and I'm sure he'd love this one just as much!

Kelly said...

Following you on Pinterest

Kelly said...

Following Planet Box on Pinterest

Kelly said...

I follow your posts in Google Reader.

Unknown said...

Following planetbox on pinterest

Valerie said...

I like CC on FB

Valerie said...

Love these lunch boxes, but been afraid of the price...

Unknown said...

Already like counting coconuts on Facebook

Unknown said...

All ready follow counting coconuts on pinterest

Teresa said...

Thanks! What a great giveaway! Love love love your blog!

Teresa said...

I follow Counting Coconuts on Facebook! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I have been subcribed to counting coconuts for a while now via email

Teresa said...

I follow Counting Coconuts on Pinterest! (And used the babysitter printable last night for sitter!) Thanks!

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