Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday

I just found out about a fun blog carnival called "Tiny Talk Tuesday" hosted by Not Before 7. James says so many cute and funny things (at least they are to us anyway!) and I think this would be a great way for me to keep track of them!

~James is 3 years and 3 months~
  • "Well... I think I need a blue popsicle." ~ First thing out of James' mouth the other morning.
  • "May I be excused? Yes I may, yes I may." ~ What James says before he leaves the dinner table.
  • "This doesn't taste like chocolate!!" ~ So says James after tasting potato salad for the first time.
  • "His name is Mr. Pocodeeo" ~ The cute and totally random name James assigned our adopted fish. :)
  • "Baa baa black sheep happy happy wool..." ~ I LOVE James' version of this song!

~Thank you for your comments!~


Julie said...

What a cutie! Thanks for sharing :o)

Ariella said...

that is so ADORABLE!!!!!!!

Leigh said...

Ha! I love all of the things kids say! Definitely good stuff to keep track of!

sbswtp said...

Fantastical!!!! I like them all...but...my favorite has got to be that potato salad does not taste like chocolate :) Brilliant!!!
PS...we are sooo enjoying our letter objects!!!

Anonymous said...

aww love this! Love his version of the song! I did a talking post today too! I forgot about Mary's carnival I should have linked up!

Michelle said...

What a smart little cutie! I am trying to be better about writing down the cute things my two say. I usually remember it long enough to tell my Mom and she says 'oh you need to write that one down'. I tried really hard not to name stuffies until my oldest was asking and wanting to name things. His favorite is a stuffed dog and he named him Tiffle. I think it's really cute. Waiting for my youngest to reach that age!

Förskoleburken said...

Hi! I have a little award for you! Please, visit my blog: http://forskoleburken.blogspot.com/2010/07/jag-fick-pris.html

Anonymous said...

Those are adorable!

jill said...

oh he is the cutest...and funniest! i cant wait to hear the silly things out of corbins mouth!

Lisa said...

Hey! This is my blog- award for you!

Theresa Mezo said...

Love it Mari-Ann! :)
James is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I love his version of the song too.

Anonymous said...

How adorable, I especially enjoyed his song! :)

Cara said...

I love posts like this (and love that there is a linky party for this)! Your James says the cutest stuff. My favorite is also the "this is not chocolate!" about the potato salad.

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

Love it! Potato salad quote really made me giggle.

Jackie Higgins said...

My son loves the popsicles too. I told him he could only have one popsicle. He said, "One red popsicle?" I agreed. After he finished his red one he said, "One green popsicle?" How do they get so "smart" so fast? Love all your funny stuff!

Jen said...

He is just too adorable! Love his manners, what a good boy!


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