Sunday, April 3, 2011

Montessori Print Shop Giveaway!!

~This giveaway is now CLOSED~

I am SO excited about this giveaway - one of you is going to win something truly amazing!

The lovely Jennifer, owner of Montessori Print Shop, is generously gifting one of my readers a deluxe CD-Rom collection! Eeek! We're talking about a wealth of resources valued at $580!

Seriously, you will not believe just how much is packed onto these two discs. It is nothing short of a complete curriculum with loads of materials covering a wide range of subjects:
Incredible, right?! There are over 950 files on these discs - far too many for me to detail, but here's a sample of what you'll get...

Language cards, everything you need for the pink/blue/green series AND tons of cards in French and Hebrew, plus MUCH more.

Lots of materials and extensions for your sensorial shelves.

A huge geography pack including maps, land and water forms, and tons of cards for your continent boxes.

Math, math and more math - everything from time cards to seasonal counting cards to the entire geometry cabinet!

Additionally, Jennifer has also created some really fun and unique files, such as:
Cookware Classification Cards
Recycling Matters Card Set
Medieval Knights Picture Cards
Animal Tracks Matching Cards
Pin Punching Cards

AND, as if all that weren't enough, included on the discs are FOUR fantastic Montessori teaching manuals as well several other teacher resource files! These are perfect for those of you who can't/don't want to pay for online training courses, but still want to know more about how to create and present lessons.

Want to know the *best* things about these discs? You'll be using them for years! There are materials appropriate for toddlers, preschoolers, and grade school children!

Phew! Can you tell I'm excited?!

Finally just a quick word about quality... it's clear a lot of time and thought went into creating these materials. For example, the images used - one thing I'm really picky about when it comes to the printables we use in our classroom is the type of images used on the printable. I very much prefer real life photos to drawings or cartoons and I was thrilled to see Jennifer has taken the time to hunt down real and beautiful photos for her cards. Thanks, Jennifer!

Ok, so here's how you can enter to win:

Mandatory entry:

1. Leave a comment on this post and let me know which of these materials would be most useful to you.

Extra entries:
2. Like Counting Coconuts on Facebook and leave me a separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
3. Like Montessori Print Shop on Facebook and leave me a separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
4. Follow Counting Coconuts and leave me a separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
5. After today come back and leave me one comment per day on this post until the end of the giveaway.

*NOTE re: separate comments - each entry will be counted as a chance to win. If you put all of your entry requirements into just ONE comment, you'll only have ONE chance to win.

Montessori Print Shop is willing to ship (for free!) this 2-disc set to anyone, anywhere in the world!! This giveaway will end on Friday, April 8th at 9pm Atlantic Time.

Good luck, everyone!!


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April said...

I feel like these materials are just what I have been searching for to use with my 5 and 2 year old. The Montessori math materials would be most helpful.
Thanks for running the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

O.k...seriously, I could SOOOO use this. As a homeschooling mom, doing her very best to teach the montessori way...this would be invaluable!!! I would REALLY benefit from the math resources :)

BeeBaker said...

We're just starting to look at pictures and identify it so this would be great. And it would be something that can grow with my daughter!

April said...

#2 - I am already "LIKE" Counting Coconuts on FB.

Anonymous said...

Oh...and I 'liked' counting coconuts, and montessori printshop. I already follow your blog at

Kim said...

This would be awesome. Most useful I think would be the language cards but hard to choose just one as all of it would help tremendously!

Kim said...

Already have you liked on FB. Your site is amazing and I have told so many people about it. We especially love the sensory bins for the little ones :)

April said...

Just hit 'LIKE' on Montessori Print Shop.

Kim said...

Just liked the Montessori print shop.

Charissa said...

I'm so glad that I already liked your FB page. That's how I heard about this awesome giveaway!

Charissa said...

The geography materials would be the most useful to me because that would probably be the most difficult to create on my own.

jengd said...

I'd love to make some continent boxes so this would be a great starting point for those. Of course, EVERYTHING in this set looks phenomenal!

April said...

I follow Counting Coconuts through email.

Charissa said...

I glad you directed me to the Montessori Print Shop FB page. I look forward to their updates.

♥♠☻☺♦♣○◘•@$hley said...

A huge geography section would be incredible for us!! We love to learn about the worlds children, food, games, and languages:)

♥♠☻☺♦♣○◘•@$hley said...

We are members of your FB page:)

♥♠☻☺♦♣○◘•@$hley said...

We "like"Montessori Print shop on FB:)

jengd said...

I like Montessori Print Shop on FB

♥♠☻☺♦♣○◘•@$hley said...

We follow you very closely:) We are always so impresse dwith your ideas and ability to create from scratch lovely items. And PS congrats again about the new one one the way!

Jeni said...

I follow you on FB :)

kidsbeingkidsphotography said...

Oh man I am so excited about this giveaway! This would be amazing for me and my boys! I just liked you on FB!

Charissa said...

I've enjoyed following your blog for a while now. You were so helpful a month ago when I had questions about my 11 month old daughter, Eva.

kidsbeingkidsphotography said...

I just liked Montessori Print Shop on Facebook! I am so excited... these are awesome resources and I LOVE your blog!

Jeni said...

I follow you! AND I love you.

kidsbeingkidsphotography said...

I am definitely already a follower but I did share your blog with a few mama friends of mine!

Anne said...

I am so in! I love Montessori Print Shop! I would love all of it, but would be most excited about the language series sets.

Whitney said...

I like the classification cards!

Betsy said...

Wow! What a great giveaway!! All these materials would be useful to me! I am currently in the process of going to class to receive my certification for 3-6 and would use basically everything you have shown.
Great product - hope I get it :-)

Betsy Westendorf

TheMuscatoHansens said...

I feel like the first commenter could never "win" but I am so excited so I will do it anyway ;) I love the language and math sections, so exciting! Thanks for the opportunity!

Anne said...

I already follow CC on facebook! :)

The Activity Mom said...

Wow! What an awesome giveaway! The geography and math printables are what I would dive into first. B is ready to move beyond what I have.

The Activity Mom said...

I'm a follower of your blog!

Anne said...

Just 'liked' Montessori Print Shop on Facebook. I didn't even know they were on there!

Sara said...

Materials for our continent boxes would be awesome!!!

Anne said...

I'm already a follower of Counting Coconuts!

Sara said...

I follow your blog. :)

Sara said...

I am a fan of Counting Coconuts on Facebook. :)

Stacey said...

Would LOVE the language cards to use with my students!

Stacey said...

already LOVE you on facebook!

Contentedly Crunchy said...


I think the math stuff will be most useful for me - my three-year-old is starting to get into rudimentary addition.

Stacey said...

Went right over and liked Montessori Print Shop in Facebook.

Sara said...

I "like" Montessori Print Shop on Facebook.

Contentedly Crunchy said...

I already follow you on FB!

Contentedly Crunchy said...

I now "like" Montessori Print Shop!

love cultura said...

I am very excited about this giveaway. I work with second language learners between the ages of 4-6 and would love to give use your language cards to teach and reinforce language. I like my students to get many opportunities to have hands on and this could be a great support package for the things that we are learning. Give me the opportunity to share with you through posts and pix the wonderful things we can do with your giveaway. thank you mariana Iglesias

Contentedly Crunchy said...

I follow you...or like you on FB...or whatever I didn't already say (I already do both).

Megan said...

As a homeschooling mom I could use the material for years but right now the reading materials would be most useful.

Megan said...

I follow you on Facebook and love all your projects. I'm working on creating a knitting basket this week.

Megan said...

I've liked CC on FB

Stacey said...

I follow and subscribe to your blog!

Megan said...

I've liked Montessori Print Shop on FB

T said...

This is so cool! I would love to win! I have two boys and would love to use this to help educate them. :)

daniela said...

omg - this would be awesome!
we could so use everything, but i think right now we would love the math and geography resources.
thanks so much!!!

Sarah said...

What a giveaway! I think I'd love the language arts cards. My son is just starting to learn to read, and would love those!

Christie said...

I would LOVE to win this!! I like the geography resources but you can't go wrong with anything from this site.

chepburn77 (at) gmail (dot) com

Christie said...

I like Counting Coconuts on Facebook!

chepburn77 (at) gmail (dot) com

Christie said...

I like Montessori Print Shop on Facebook!

chepburn77 (at) gmail (dot) com

Christie said...

I'm a follower of your blog!

chepburn77 (at) gmail (dot) com

Jade Clark said...

I would like the geography and math info... I hate having to hunt down things from random sites on the internet, would love to have all of what I need in one place! heyjade[at]gmail

Jade Clark said...

I like you on fb (/heyjade). heyjade[at]gmail

daniela said...

i like you on facebook

Christine said...

I would love to enter! The language cards would be the most useful right now but I love the geography materials, too.

Jade Clark said...

I follow your blog on GoogleReader/Rss. heyjade[at]gmail

Christine said...

I am a fan of MPS on FB.

daniela said...

i like montessori print shop on facebook

daniela said...

i follow your blog

John & Jenny Morgan said...

All of the materials would be useful, but I would especially benefit from the geography ones.

John & Jenny Morgan said...

I follow your blog.

John & Jenny Morgan said...

I like Counting Coconuts on facebook.

Zonnah said...

I would love the continent materials!

Zonnah said...

I follow you on facebook :)

Zonnah said...

I follow montessori print shop on facebook.

Zonnah said...

I follow your blog :)

Kara said...

I "liked" Counting Coconuts on facebook.

Kara said...

I "liked" motessori Materials on facebook.

Chris said...

I would love to use these resources in my 3 year old classroom!

PreKChick said...

I am constantly improving my preschool program and this would be a huge addition to our curriculum. It would assist me to prepare my little ones for kindergarten beyond their families expectations.

PreKChick said...

#2, I already LIKE counting coconuts on FB, I am very inspired by you!

PreKChick said...

#3, I LIKE Montessori Print Shop on FB

suzflee said...

I teach 3's so the animal tracks and tin punching would be something new and fun for my classroom. Thanks so much for the offer.

suzflee said...

already like you on Facebook

PreKChick said...

I follow counting coconuts under Nanette & PreKChick!

Kerryn said...

These materials look amazing! Like you mentioned, it often takes hours to hunt down "real" pictures (as opposed to drawings). The sorting and classifying activities are what my little man finds most fun - but it all looks fabulous!

sillystampinmama said...

I liked them on facebook. I love that site Thanks.

Kerryn said...

Already "like" you on Facebook:) (If you want, "like" my page - Ksvmusic!)

Kerryn said...

"liked" Montessori Print Shop on FB.

Karen said...

Like you on Facebook

suzflee said...

and now I'm a follower! How do you ever keep track of all these entries?

Karen said...

already follow you

Karen said...

Would love the geography section

Stephanie said...

I would LOVE to win this! The teaching Manuals would be SO helpful! I love so many of their products, but to have the teaching manuals would be priceless for me! Thanks for hosting and to MPS for offer it! :)

Beth said...

Wow! What an amazing giveaway. It's hard to pick just one thing I like but I think for where we are right now the language materials would be most useful....the sensorial ones also look neat though!

Beth said...

I'm a fan of yours on Facebook.

Stephanie said...

I like you on Facebook! :)I have for a while!

Beth said...

I also like Montessori Print Shop on Facebook!

Stephanie said...

I also Like Montessori Print shop on Facebook too! :)

Stephanie said...

I follow you too! I love your blog!

Liz said...

I "like" counting coconuts on facebook.

Beth said...

I follow Counting Coconuts!

Liz said...

I follow your blog on google reader

Liz said...

i "like" montessori print shop on facebook

Andrea said...

I would love to have this! I've recently bought some of their files and I LOVE them. I could really use the language cards as my preschooler is beginning to read!

Andrea said...

I follow Counting Coconuts!

Monica Garcia said...

What an awesome give away! I think the geography section would really interest my 4 year old son since he loves learning about other states and countries. And the math section would be very useful for my 2 year old! Hope I win!!!

Annie Olmsted said...

I just "liked" you on facebook! And I'm not doing it just to enter, I really do like you :)

Unknown said...

This is an incredible giveaway! As a Curriculum coach for teachers working with headstart children , this would be an amazing resource to share with them all. Thank you for the opportunity! You got a big LIKE on FB. Love your website and have shared it with many of the teaching staff.

Liz said...

What an amazing giveaway! I have 4 little kiddos & homeschool so this would get lots of use. I am fairly new to mostessori learning but am LOVING what I have found so far. The cost of startup has been a little overwhelming though. This would be such a boost. We would use ALL the materials but I am most excited about the math for the kiddos and the montessori teaching manuals for myself. THANKS for the opportunity to win this!!

Annie Olmsted said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Monica Garcia said...

I am already following you on facebook :)

Annie Olmsted said...

I "like" the montessori print shop on facebook :)

Anonymous said...

This looks AWESOME!! I feel like the geography would benefit our family the most, seems to be one area that I do not have as many resources in.

phasejumper said...

This is AWESOME! I would definitely get good use out of the tanagrams, the french flashcards and the map materials (the rest, too, but in these areas I'm running thin)!

Unknown said...

WOW, what an amazing give away! I am a curriculum coach for teachers who work with headstart and Early headstart children. This would be an incredible resource to share with all of them! Thank you for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I like counting coconuts on facebook

jodes said...

What a fantastic giveaway from Counting Coconuts and Montasorri Print Shop... Our class would definitely benefit from all of the aspects to this Cd-rom. We are in the process of implementing the montasorri approach. Exciting times!

zebaby said...

I love their site! I could use all of the materials, really. If I had to pick one, it would have to be the math because Montessori Math seems so amazingly well structured to me!

zebaby said...

Like you on FB!

Annie Olmsted said...

While all of it would be helpful, I'm really excited about the geography section - especially because of all of the recent natural disasters.

zebaby said...

Like MPS on FB!

kate said...

Oh my gosh, I would use absolutely anything toddler right now! My daughter is absolutely LOVING learning new "games" right now. :)

zebaby said...

I follow Counting Coconuts!

kate said...

I LOVE you on FB!

Dann Dobson said...

Hello! I appreciate all the insightful information that I receive on your blog. This is BY FAR the best I've seen. The Geography and Math would be the most helpful as we struggle with this area with the children.

Anonymous said...

I "Like" or LOVE Montessori Print Shop in Facebook

Monica Garcia said...

I just "liked" Montessori print shop on facebook :)

Dann Dobson said...

I follow Counting Coconuts on Facebook :)

Monica Garcia said...

I am following Counting Coconuts :)

Anonymous said...

I follow Counting Coconuts!!!

Laura said...

I following Counting Coconuts on Facebooks :)

Laura said...

I also have liked the Montessori PRint Shop on Facebook. Wonderful!

victory said...

I would love these for my 2.5 and 5 year old. Especially the math!

victory said...

I follow counting coconuts on facebook!

victory said...

I now follow the blog, too! :)

tidbits said...

Hi, I have liked montessori print shop on faceboook. thanks! really excited for this giveaway, it is my first time to do so :)

victory said...

and I like Montessori print shop on facebook!

tidbits said...

Hi , it is me again! just posting to say that I am following or have been on facebook counting coconuts and thats how i got alerted to the giveaway today. I liked the actual post about the giveaway as well. :)

Anonymous said...

I can use the language cards to help my 5.5 year old with language acquisition. He was hearing impaired for 4.5 years. He's making such good progress, and KNOW these tools will help him so much.

April said...

I am just discovering your site and loving it! These materials would be much adored by my children, ages 3 and 2, for years to come!

Tracy said...

Wow! Awesome give away.
I would benefit from the math resources.

Tracy said...

I 'liked' Counting Coconuts

Tracy said...

I ' liked' Montessori Print Shop

tidbits said...

Hi, Mari - Ann :)
I am putting the original mandatory comment. I used to be a montessori teacher myself, and it is so so difficult to find pictures that are real life, finding time to crop them and putting it into cards.
I have 2 now under 2 and would love to use these materials for my children. The materials I would love to use the most are culture and math, I really value teaching children respect about others and facts about other countries. In many schools there is not enough teachings of cultural diversity and this is probably my favourite part about Montessori. I would also benefit from the Math curriculum as well, as my son loves counting and doing counting activities.
Thanks for having this giveaway!

Tracy said...

I don't have any of the Montessori Print Shop materials but I do have lots of reading cards from other curriculums so the other Montessori subjects would be a great addition to balance out what I do have.

Melanie said...

I'm just about to start my homeschooling journey with my 3 1/2 year old and am very interested in the Montessori way. These materials look fantastic!!! Really, I think all of it would be wonderful! Since he's working on letter and word recognition, the language series would be particularly great right now.

Amanda said...

My little girl is only 15 months old, so...I'm thinking EVERYTHING would be beneficial!!

Melanie said...

I "like" Counting Coconuts on Facebook too!

Melanie said...

I'm following Counting Coconuts too! Your blog is great! Thank you. :)

Amanda said...

I like Counting Coconuts on FB.

Amanda said...

I like Montessori Print Shop on FB.

Unknown said...

What a great give away! I would lo e to use ALL of these materials, however right now the language materials would he great for my 6 and 5 yr olds. :)

Amanda said...

I'm a follower of Counting Coconuts.

Unknown said...

Have been following you on fb for some time now! Love the pics you post!

Lily Ruth's Mama said...

What an amazing opportunity! I've been wondering where to begin with my almost-2-year-old. This blows any of my previous ideas out of the water.

The Ross' said...

This resource looks amazing and something I could use with both my kids...not to mention grow with. What an awesome giveaway!

The Ross' said...

I enjoy following you on FB!

The Ross' said...

I follow your blog on a pretty regular bases (weekly!)...i LOVE IT and the ideas, plus its just simple.

Paty said...

I love your sensory buckets and your ideas.
The thing that I will use more from the montessori package I think it will be the language cards I have a 2 1/2 girl thet have speech problems so I think that will help her.

Katie said...

I would love to have this for my two girls 5 and 2. I love implementing the montessori method whenever I can. I love your blog; you have so many great ideas.

Joyfully Noisy said...

How exciting! I would be so excited to own my own copies of teaching manuals.

Joyfully Noisy said...

How exciting!
I would love to own a copy of the teacher's manuals.

I'm a FB follower and recommend your blog to all of my homeschooling friends. :)

Anonymous said...

We would really like to use those language cards.

Anonymous said...

I "like" Counting Coconuts.

Katie said...

I would LOVE the geography section!


Katie said...

I'm following your blog

Patty said...

I "liked" Montessori Print Shop on FB and posted a comment :)

Leanne said...

Wow...this would be incredible. I'm just beginning the homeschool journey with my kids. I'd love everything about these materials, perhaps especially the teacher manuals as I get started.

Patty said...

I have "liked" you on FB for quite a while now.

Leanne said...

I've just "liked" your blog on Facebook.

Blueberries N Cucumbers said...

OH MY GOODNESS! That is so kind of her. We would benefit from the from all of it as she grows but mostly the language right now. This is an incredible set! Thanks for giving us the chance to win another giveaway!

Leanne said...

I've also just liked Montessori Print Shop on Facebook.

Blueberries N Cucumbers said...

I follow Counting Coconuts ;) e

Leanne said...

Although I've been checking out your blog frequently, I've just subscribed to it officially now. Love this giveaway!

Eileen said...

I am so excited, hope i am the winner.

Thank you

Patty said...

I follow you via my wall on fb and I just go to your blog/site the good old fashioned way to see what you've been up to. BTW congratulations on your pregnancy. My friend who is new to your blog actually mentioned it to me. Thanks for running this giveaway!

Hippie Housewife said...

The Manuals would be wonderful!! What a fantastic giveaway. :)

Montessori teacher said...

Hi there! I just love your blog! I'm a Montessori teacher of 3-6 year olds. I love learning and beautifully made materials. Keep up the good work.
C. Paizis

Steph B said...

I love your site! The continent printables would be awesome as that is the one area I feel overwhelmed at teaching! sbitter at live dot com

Steph B said...

I follow your awesome and lovely blog! sbitter at live dot com

Alicia said...

So excited about this giveaway. I am just beginning to homeschool and would love the language cards. My daughter is just learning to read.

Seitvonzu said...

These are such a neat resource-- I just love the idea of geography resources-- we love anything "cultural" around our house. also language materials and math..and well, all of it:) neat giveaway!

Alicia said...

I already follow you.

Seitvonzu said...

I already "like" you on facebook! love seeing all the new sensory tubs and your monthly materials--so inspiring!

Blueberries N Cucumbers said...

What a generous lady! I just looked over all the goodies and saw she also has some language pictures in French. Not only would we benefit from all of it over the years but language now and the French would help exceedingly due to me having started teaching my almost 3 year old French and it's been very hard to find GOOD helpful sources... I could sure use a little help with it!

The Windy City Duo said...

My son is 17 months so I am sure that all of these materials would be great as we grow together. I would love to win these as I think that the teacher/parent resources would be especially useful to this mama.

Unknown said...

I just stumbled onto your blog and this would be so useful for my 2.5 year old and 3 month old... We're preparing to move overseas and I am on the hunt for some good homeschooling materials!

The Windy City Duo said...

I have like you on FB for awhile now.

The Windy City Duo said...

I liked Montessori Print Shop on FB.

Anna Jun said...

We will be moving overseas and I'm on the hunt for some good homeschooling materials and these look fantastic! The vocabulary cards will be most useful for my 2 year old for the moment but I'm sure all of it will be very helpful! Thanks!

The Windy City Duo said...

I have been following Counting Coconuts for awhile now.

Elyse said...

Hummm...I don't know if I could answer what would be MOST useful. I have so many students that would benefit from so many different things. We're kind of in a sensorial kick at the moment. I know they would just eat those extensions up!

Kara said...

I am also a follower. Love this site.

Elyse said...

i just "liked" you on FB

Elyse said...

I just "liked" Montessori Printshop on FB

Kara said...

I would love to have the science related materials, especially the picture sequencing--frogs, butterflies, flowers, etc. I love to make "everyday" events into a learning opportunity. I'd also love, love, love the math resources. Thanks for the give away and your ever fantastic ideas!!

Elyse said...

I just became a new "follower" of yours...don't know why I haven't done it before You've been on my link list for forever! : )

Unknown said...

Greetings from Malaysia!

I am a teacher in an non-profit NGO for underprivileged youths, many of whom do not know how to speak English and do basic Math. We provide FREE EDUCATION for our full-time boarding students.

I also have a son who is just over a year old!

This whole CD would be an amazing resource for our students (we have more than 60 in Malaysia, and hundreds more in Cambodia, Timor Leste, Laos, Japan and Singapore).

In particular I love the Language Series and the Math!

Our website:

Karen said...

I think while all would help, the geography would be the best for us! Thanks for your wonderful post and opportunity!

crazytown mama said...

the geography stuff, for sure!!

Unknown said...

I have been following your blog unofficially for ages... finally made it official today =)

Vanessa said...

Hi , It alll looks so great but I think the language cards would be the most useful for us right now :)

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