~This giveaway is now CLOSED!~
Call it spring cleaning, call it nesting - either way, I've been busy cleaning and organizing our closets! I discovered a bunch of school supplies that I no longer need or that I have duplicates of and I thought who better to share them with than one of you!

A little of this, a little of that -
just a hodgepodge set of cut outs and stickers.
Here's a close up of what's included...

Fruits. I removed the packaging from these cut outs and so I can't recall the name of the company that makes them, but they are
awesome! They're quite large and the images are very real-looking.

Vegetables. Great for a farm unit. And, with these
and the fruits, you could provide your child with
a simple sorting activity (fruits vs. vegetables).

Sand dollars. Not enough for a calendar board, but you could use them as cards in a 'cards and counters' activity. Great for a beach theme!

Jumbo US coins. These are a lot of fun and come with a cut out for the front and the back of the coin. We used ours during
our recent money lesson.
(Note, the real coin is pictured for size perspective only :).
Color cards. I used these with James a few years ago when he was first learning about colors -
click here to see our lesson.

Butterflies. We used these during
our spring unit. You could create nomenclature cards and/or labels to match them or have your child hunt through
a butterfly book to try and identify them.

Stickers. A set of 20 different sheets, all unused. There are LOTS of ways to use stickers - I often use them in our themes by making
scissor practice strips or to make
math cards. The letter sheets in this set could be used as a mini moveable alphabet!
A humble offering, but I hope it's one that will benefit someone's classroom! :) Here's what you need to do if you'd like to enter to win...
1. Leave a comment on this post.
For extra entries:2. Like
Counting Coconuts on Facebook and leave me a
separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
3. Follow Counting Coconuts and leave me a
separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
4. After today come back and leave me
one comment per day on this post until the end of the giveaway.
*NOTE re: separate comments - each entry will be counted as a chance to win. If you put all of your entry requirements into just ONE comment, you'll only have ONE chance to win.This giveaway will end on
Friday, June 17th at 9pm Atlantic Time and is open to anyone, anywhere!
~Good luck, everyone!~
1 – 200 of 492 Newer› Newest»What a great giveaway!
I follow you on facebook!
I follow your blog! It's one of my favorites! : )
Oh, lovely! I would definitely not be bothered to get these tools! :)
I have been a "Like"r of the Counting Coconuts page on Fbook for awhile. :)
What a great giveaway! This would be so useful for me since I'll be teaching my younger son at home this fall.
I "like" you on Facebook
I'd love to win this! Please count me in for the draw (and thanks!)
I have been "liking" you on Facebook
I "like" Counting Coconuts on Facebook.
I subscribe to your blog too.
What a great giveaway! I would love to win. :)
I already follow your blog.
I also already follow you on Facebook! :)
I already like you on FB! :)
Would love to win you school pack for daughter's homeschooling! :)
I follow your blog!
Thanks for the chance to help with teaching my son!
I follow CC! Great blog!
I am a kindergarten teacher and LOVE your blog!! I have used it all year to get some great ideas!! This is only my second year in kindergarten...so I am grateful to add anything to my classroom. Thank you so much for sharing!!
I would love to win this and my daughters would love to use those items!
I like CC on Facebook!
I follow CC via Google Reader.
This would be wonderful to win! I am just starting a tot school for my daughter this summer (she is just turning 2) and I am becoming overwhelmed with all the things to get :) Its hard to find a good place to start!
What a fun giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win!
A humble offering? That's a boat load for a 3's teacher who has no budget for new supplies. I would definitely make good use of them in Va Beach!
I already like you on facebook :)
Wow! Neat stuff! I especially love your color cards. :)
This could be a fun stash to use with the kiddos. Thanks for offering them up.
I am a follower. Thanks :)
I already like you on Facebook. :)
The materials looks fabulous ;-) Who wouldn't like to have them among their school supplies. Thank you Mary-Ann for the great giveaway
Warm Hugs from Poland
I am now following your blog! :)
We just started homelearning, as we call it, with our 3 year old. These would be great!
I follow Counting Coconuts!
I have been "liking" you for a long time!
Oh MY--know #1 usually doesn't win anything but this is so kind of you--I am a FB fan and that's how I found this
I am a blog follower with GFC-thanks for all you do--I have used so many ideas in my class
This would be nice to use to teach y kids their fruits and veggies.
LOVE your blog!!! Need to be fly on your wall--you look like you have a blast!
I would LOVE to win your supplies. I have been a long-time facebook fan and blogger follower. Love your blog!!!
great giveaway! thank you for the chance :)
becky g
i am also a fb fan! thanks :)
becky g
I follow you on facebook.
I follow you on google friend connect.
awesome give away, love your blog. you have given me lots of great ideas for my classroom.
I'd love this! Thanks for offering!
Since I have just gotten back to teaching preschool (after taking about ten years off to focus on my own children), this would be an awesome addition to my growing classroom supplies.
Thanks for the chance and all that you share on your blog.
laura at letiecq dot org
Thanks so much for a wonderful opportunity. Just stumbled upon your blog and am bookmarking like mad!
I "liked" CC on Facebook.
How cool. I was just looking this morning at things to expand my home classroom . . . mama3davis at gmail dot com
Leaving a comment! Thanks for your wonderful blog
Liked your blog on fb
I follow your blog
What a fun giveaway!!! :-) They would be so useful for our classroom!
I am a follower :-)
Of course I like you on facebook :-).... and PS... I love the giveaways where we get to come back each day :-)
I would like to win Spring Cleaning Giveaway! I could use anything for my classroom. Thank you!!!!
I would love to win the Spring Cleaning Giveaway!!!!
It would definitely benefit ours as we start our first yr of homeschooling this fall.
What a great give away! Yes, I would love to win this.
What a great idea to have a giveaway for all of the supplies you no longer use! I totally remember the nesting phase!
hey-do I get to win (Ihope, I hope) because I am first? would love something for my grandkids!
Pam G
I like your blog on FB
These are very cute! You are so very generous to share with us:) Thank you!
I 'like' you on facebook, too!
I follow you! :)
Love your blog! Fun giveaway!!
I am a follower.
I already like Counting Coconuts on Facebook :)
I'm having trouble posting comments (503 errors) so I don't remember if I posted that I already like you on facebook or that I already follow your blog. Either way, I do both! Your blog is one of my favorites and I look forward to each new post.
The materials you're giving away are beautiful! I would love to include them in my daughter's tot school
This is my kind of giveaway! Something practical and awesome!
how generous of you!! :)
i follow you on fb!
i follow your blog, i love it!
Follow everyday,
Forgot to sign in...keep up the inspiration and all the best with the new little one
Oh fun, thanks for the chance to win!
This is great stuff. I'd love to win!
goldfuss1 [at] frontier [dot] com
I like Counting Cocunuts on fb.
goldfuss1 [at] frontier [dot] com
I follow Counting Coconuts.
goldfuss1 [at] frontier [dot] com
I follow!
I "liked" you on facebook!
Thanks for sharing with your loyal fans...
Love this giveaway! Lovely treasures for a soon to be classroom:)
I follow you on facebook and "like" you on FB.
I follow your blog and love it.
I have been drawing a lot of inspiration from your blog lately- thank you so much for all your sharing!
Oh, I would love, love love to win this!!!
I "liked" you on facebook about a week ago. You are SO creative!! I love all your ideas and would love to start implementing them.
I follow you on FB, of course!
And I am a devoted follower/fan!
Now I'm following your blog, too! I just love it!
Great giveaway!
a_heart4home at yahoo
Have been following you via gfc for a little while now. Love your blog!
a_heart4home at yahoo
I love the fruits and veggies cutouts! If you ever remember the name of the company that does them, can you let us know? Cheers!
Awesome blog! I can't wait to sit down and do some reading on it! so glad I found it!
I am so inspired by your blog!
I also "like" and follow you on facebook~
Neat giveaway--I especially like all the cut-outs.
I already like Counting Coconuts on facebook.
I follow your blog! : )
How very kinds of you to share such wonderful materials! Thanks!
I "like" you on Facebook (and off Facebook, too, giggle :)
I follow you via Google reader...that way I never miss a post!
Thanks for the entry!
I follow you on facebook.
I follow you.
I follow your blog and am starting a small Montessori School in August, Amity Montessori School. These materials would be very helpful!
I already like you on Facebook!
I LOVE your blog!! Have been following for awhile!!!
I follow you on facebook!! That's how I found out about the giveaway!!
I just started homeschooling and would love to have some more visual aids! My three year old would benefit greatly from these!!!
i seem to always be in nesting mode!
Your blog has inspired my teaching. I can't wait to get home each day and see the new ideas you have ocme up with and how I can incoporate them into my classroom.
I did like you on FB several months ago. I really am inspired by your ideas for my preschool classroom.
What a great giveaway- thanks!
great blog¨¨"I am a great fan both of counting coconuts And of Montessori
Great giveaway! My two year old would love these!
I follow your blog.
I follow you on FB.
I'm a miles away follower (from Portugal) anda my kids love your ideas.
I follow you and your great ideas on facebook
And also follow your site and have you on my blog. Lots of love for helping me with my children
Yay! Sign me up! Love CC! Cheers!
Also a Facebook follower!
Great stuff! Would love to win!
All these items would be great for j-jo. Thank you!
thegirlwhopaintedtrees at gmail dot com
I follow your blog
I already like you on Facebook.
I "like" you on fb.
Sorry, don't know if the last comment went through. If it did, delete this one. I like CC on FB.
thegirlwhopaintedtrees at gmail dot com
I already follow your blog and LOVE it!
I follow CC.
thegirlwhopaintedtrees at gmail dot com
awesome giveaway
Love your blog and I have used so many of your ideas. Crossing my fingers that I win!!
I want them! Thanks!
I follow you on facebook as well.
Thanks for the chance! Great giveaway.
I follow you!
Great giveaway!
I was already subscribed to your blog :)
And I have now 'liked' you on Facebook :)
Please count me in! (can't believe you already have 142 comments after a few hours :-)
WOW! So many goodies :)
I already follow on facebook
I follow the blog already as well
I've been following your blog for a while!
How fun!
I "like" you on Facebook.
Such a great package!! all your ideas are great!
I follow you on facebook and every day I check your blog.
I started to follow you a few months ago but until today, I think that actually click the follow icon. Thanks!!
Love your blog! Thanks for the chance to win :)
Love your blog! I provide homedaycare so I would be able to get some great use out of those goodies.
I follow on facebook.
I follow your blog : )
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I'd love to win!
Would love to win!
I like Counting Coconuts on FB.
I just discovered your blog the other day and I'm SO full of ideas and motivation now, thank you!!!
Hope I win! ;)
I follow u FB!!
I follow your blog!
AMAZING Give-a-way!! Thank you.
I now follow your blog. So glad I found you. :)
I now follow you on Facebook. Thank you for providing such great information.
Looks like a lot of awesome stuff!
I'm a follower!
I love reading your blog. Amazing ideas to use in my newly starting homeschool!
I like Counting Coconuts on FB!
I follow Counting Coconuts!
Just found your blog a few months ago and love, love, love it!! Love the giveaway too. Thanks!
Great giveaway!
I follow you!
Thanks for the give away. My son would love the food pictures- next step would be getting him to eat them!
What a wonderful giveaway!
Hi! I would love to win. My anniversary is on Friday (5 years), so that would be a cool anniversary gift. :)
I subscribe to your blog!
Great Giveaway!
I follow you
I just liked your page on facebook
maybe...just maybe I'll win this! I have an almost two year old who could really use these.
What a fun giveaway!
I follow you on FB
I follow your blog!
How absolutely awesome of you!!
I have been following you on Facebook for quite some time! :-)
Of course I follow your blog. I love it!
I would love to win this for my daughter. We start kindergarten in the fall and these look perfect!
I follow your blog.
I am following on Facebook too.
I am looking forward to beginning the homeschooling journey with my 2 year old!
I follow your blog
i would love to win, thanks!
i follow you on Facebook too.
i have your blog in my google reader
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