James just finished up his first "semester" of art classes at the Kaleidoscope Arts Foundation (KAF). It was sort of a mommy and me class, which means I got to tag along and enjoy the fun too (i.e. get paint all over me)!
James loved painting, gluing, chalking, and stamping. He even developed his own signature style -- whenever he painted he had to have the small containers of paint right ON his paper, then he'd paint around them leaving little circles all over the page.
Every week we decorated the playroom with his artwork from the week before. He made so many beautiful pictures - here's a compilation of some of my favorites...
KAF also hosted a student art exhibit and James' artwork was in it. We're so proud of our little Jimcasso!

James loved painting, gluing, chalking, and stamping. He even developed his own signature style -- whenever he painted he had to have the small containers of paint right ON his paper, then he'd paint around them leaving little circles all over the page.
Every week we decorated the playroom with his artwork from the week before. He made so many beautiful pictures - here's a compilation of some of my favorites...