~This giveaway has closed~
James has long been a fan of maps - he enjoys searching for states and countries, and gets a k

These maps are great because they're bright, easy to read, and just the right size for our cork boards. Not all of the flags have a matching map, but we don't mind - we use what maps we can and an atlas for the rest of the flags!
The flags were super easy (albeit a little time consuming) to put together, and I appreciate how clear and consistent the photos are - I'm kind of picky like that. :) I printed our flags onto card stock and did not laminate them - they are getting a lot of use and holding up just fine!
Two guesses on how James feels about these pin flags! :D
The flags were super easy (albeit a little time consuming) to put together, and I appreciate how clear and consistent the photos are - I'm kind of picky like that. :) I printed our flags onto card stock and did not laminate them - they are getting a lot of use and holding up just fine!
Think these would be of use in your classroom? Want to have a set of your own? Well...
Jennifer, the lovely owner of Montessori Print Shop, has once again donated a very generous gift to one of you:
Jennifer, the lovely owner of Montessori Print Shop, has once again donated a very generous gift to one of you:
Montessori Print Shop's ENTIRE pin flag and map set!!!
(valued at nearly $50!)
Included in the set:
(valued at nearly $50!)
Included in the set:
:: Four maps (colored, labeled, and blank) and two sets of labels (color coded and non-color coded) for each of the following: North America, South American, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.
:: Four maps and a set of labels for both the United States and Canada.
:: Two maps (labeled and blank) each for US capital cities and states.
:: Two maps (labeled and blank) each for Canada's capital cities and provinces.
:: Four maps and a set of labels for both the United States and Canada.
:: Two maps (labeled and blank) each for US capital cities and states.
:: Two maps (labeled and blank) each for Canada's capital cities and provinces.
:: A set of pin map flags for all of the above maps! The winner can choose between a color coded set or a non-color coded set.And here's a little freebie for ALL of you to enjoy right now:
world continent maps and pin flags!
Of course you can head directly to the store and buy the entire set right now, or you can enter to win the set for FREE!
Here's what you do:
Mandatory entry:
1. Leave a comment on this post.
Extra entries:
2. Like Counting Coconuts on Facebook and leave me a separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
3. Like Montessori Print Shop on Facebook and leave me a separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
4. Follow Counting Coconuts and leave me a separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
5. After today come back and leave me one comment per day on this post until the end of the giveaway.
2. Like Counting Coconuts on Facebook and leave me a separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
3. Like Montessori Print Shop on Facebook and leave me a separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
4. Follow Counting Coconuts and leave me a separate comment on this post letting me know you have/already do.
5. After today come back and leave me one comment per day on this post until the end of the giveaway.
*NOTE re: separate comments - each entry will be counted as a chance to win. If you put all of your entry requirements into just ONE comment, you'll only have ONE chance to win.
This giveaway will end on Thursday, March 22nd at 9pm Atlantic Time, and is open to anyone, anywhere!
This giveaway will end on Thursday, March 22nd at 9pm Atlantic Time, and is open to anyone, anywhere!
Good luck!
1 – 200 of 497 Newer› Newest»This looks like such a neat lesson!
Sarah M
I also already follow you via google reader :)
Sarah M
I would love to win this for my 5yo who will be turning 6 next month. He would LOVE it! Love all that you do on here.
Wow! These look amazing!!! We would love to have these to add to our homeschool program! I have four youngsters (and one on the way) who will definitely benefit from this set! Thank you for doing the amazing things you do on Counting Coconuts! I love reading your blogs and FB posts! Have a blessed day!
Claire Rivera
Pine Valley, CA
I would love this!
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I have 'liked' your blog for almost a year now. And I LOVE montessori. Here's to winning those maps!
I have 'liked' Montessori Print Shop and I sure would LOVE those maps!!
wow. Amazing giveaway!
Thank you for such an opportunity :)
I love your site and sure would love those montessori maps!
I love your website and hope to win those montessori maps!! And with that, I'll be back tomorrow for another entry :)
You always have great give-aways! Thank you.
How cool!
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I follow your blog - love all your great ideas!
These look so fun!
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Comment 1 on behalf of Katie Robertson
Comment 2 on behalf of Katie Robertson
We just finished learning all the states with my son. It would be fun to continue.
Pick me! Pick me! :)
I follow Counting Coconuts!
I love your site and have been hooked since finding it! The maps with pins is awesome my 4 year old son would love it!
I like you on FaceBook.
I have "liked" counting coconuts on facebook for a while and LOVE it!
I like Montessori Printshop on Facebook.
I "liked" Montessori Print Shop on facebook and have purchased their printables before...they are fantastic!
Love your blog and have been hooked ever since finding it! Would love to win the set for my 4 year old son Jordan! Thank you for sharing your wonderful/lovely ideas with us!
Thanks for the inspiration yet again! I need some cork boards...
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Love those maps & flags!!!
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Following you now on FB!
Love Monterssori print shop and have now joined them on FB! We love using the weather cards we saw on your site, that was our 1st purchase from the shop!
I would love to win this. Montessori Print Shop is my favorite website for Montessori printables. My 4 year old is starting to show a big interest in maps and I know this would be right up her alley.
What a lovely giveaway!
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We recently took our son out of preschool to begin teaching at home..one late night I stumbled upon your blog and have begun implementing so many of your ideas. I honsetly do not have a creative bone in my body but after finding your site it truly inspired me! Thank you so much for taking time to share with all of us you have made adifference in our lives! My little boy is actually enjoying learning! Thank you!
Would love to win this! What a great idea! thank you
Aahhhhhhh! Exciting! My son would LOVE this. He has a huge thing about maps at the moment!!
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I liked Montessori Print shop on FB!
Love your blog! This looks like a great activity!
I love your blog! This looks like a wonderful activity.
Thanks for your wonderful blog. This looks like a wonderful activity.
Thank you!
Liked Montessori Print Shop on FB
And already follow your blog of course!
You have helped me to me to be my son's first teacher. Thank you for all you share! Map printables like so much fun!
I thought that I had like Montessori Print Shop on Facebook. But when I checked, I hadn't. Thanks for sending me there!
I am so glad to be following your blog!
AH! These are awesome! Thanks for the opportunity. :o)
I like Counting Coconuts on Facebook. :o)
I liked Montessori Print Shop on facebook. :o)
Love Montessori Print Shop (and flags!!)
I follow you through my email!
What an amazing set!
I'm a follower.
Wow this seems like such a great way to introduce geography! Would love to win. Thank you for the opportunity.
Would love to have these for our classroom!
I follow your blog!
Love this set! My daughter is so into geography right now.
I also follow your blog via google reader
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Montessori Print Shop also liked. They have a nice site. Lots of very reasonably priced printables.
Wonderful giveaway! Wow!ornov
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I am a fan of Montessori Print Shop on FB. :)
I already follow Counting Coconuts! Love your blog, by the way.
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Thanks! I love your ideas!
I liked you on facebook :) I already liked you before though without facebook :)
Thank you for a great giveaway!
I Like Counting Coconuts on Facebook as Tanya Rubezhov.
I Like Montessori Print Shop on Facebook as Tanya Rubezhov.
I follow Counting Coconuts via e-mail subscription.
I've recently discovered your blog, thanks to pinterest, and am loving all these great ideas. Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge and experience with us!
I am now following you on FB! Thanks!
What a great activity!
i love to win this doing country this summer as our summer curr . exciting . Am a follower
i like on facebook !
i like print shop . they have great idems
Following Montessori Print Shop on FB.
I will love this. I am planning on buying them but maybe I get lucky.
I follow your blog -- thank-you for the great ideas!
I love Montessori Print Shop -- I didn't even think to see if they were on Facebook. Now I LIKE them. Thanks for that connect too!!
Like you on Facebook now too.
This is great! My oldest is quite a bit younger than yours, so some of the activities (like this one) are a bit advanced for him ... but they give us something to work up to, and often there's a modified activity I can take away that is at his level.
Love it!! Thank-you!
When I read about your son, I swear I am reading about my own. They seem to have very similar likes and personality traits. My ds is 5 and is obsessed with states, countries, and flags!
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So exciting. My 6 year old also really loves maps and has been really into flags. I keep thinking I need to break down and buy him a set of pin maps but worry about the expense. This is a great idea. Totally would be worth the time and effort. I love it! Would be even better if I won of course. But either way I'm pretty sure we just have to have a set of these!
I follow your blog. :)
My 7 and 6 year olds are starting to LOVE maps and geography. This would be fantastic to add to our supplies!
I "like" CC on fb. Actually it's how I found out about the giveaway! :)
I now "like" Montessori Print Shop on fb.
I am a follower of CC.
These would be perfect for my 4yo! Thank you!
Liked Counting Coconuts on fb! :-)
Liked Montesorri Print Shop on fb! :-)
great giveaway!
like cc on fb!
I would love this for my 4 year old who thinks learning state names and comparing their shapes on the map to other things is fun.
hi Mari-Ann i have been a fan of you on face book for a while now .
hank you for the freebie and thank you to printshop , lovely material.
i follow printshop on face book.
I sooooo want to win this for my homeschool!!!
I "liked" Counting Coconuts on Facebook!
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I already follow Counting Coconuts by email :)
I would love to make these for my new classroom! Thanks so much for the great review :)
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Thanks for the giveaway. This is such a neat material! :)
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Oh, this would be perfect for my six year olds. Keeping my fingers crossed!
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I am a fan of MPS on FB!
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This is a great resource! My girls love the different continent puzzles, these would be a good addition.
I love maps and flags too! Maybe I can transfer this to my dd with these great materials!
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I like Montessori print shop on Facebook! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win.
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i already like montessori print shop on facebook
I liked counting coconuts on facebook
This looks awesome! My daughter has just recently gotten into maps. I just put up wall maps of the continents and the states and this would be a wonderful accompaniment to that. I love it.
I subscribe to your blog via email.
I love this giveaway. Especially that it includes Canada and it's provinces. :)
what a cool giveaway! can't wait to use this, one way or the other. but free sure helps the pocketbook!
I would love to win this :-)
I like you on Facebook :-)
And I like Montessori Print Shop on Facebook :-)
I'd love to be in this draw! Great offer!
and I already follow you on facebook :)
I also follow your feed through my Blogger account
I've just started following Montessori Print Shop on Facebook. Great to find electronic montessori resources as hard resources are a bit sparse (or hideously expensive) in Australia
I'd love to win the maps/flags contest.
I like Counting Coconuts.
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I follow Counting Coconuts.
LOVE the blog & the giveaway! My son is the same way... loves flags, maps, etc. This would be a wonderful resource.
I already like Counting Coconuts on facebook! :o)
I already like Montessori Print Shop on facebook! :o)
I follow you via google reader and follow your boards on pinterest! :o) Thanks for making your valuable ideas available to us all!!
What a great give away, thanks!
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This would be wonderful to win.
Thanks for the chance,
I like you on FB.
Awesome giveaway....my son is 3 1/2 and he's in love with maps too!!
I already like you on Facebook!
I like Counting Coconuts on facebook.
I also already like Montessori Print Shop on facebook....love them!
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Wow! Awesome giveaway! I love the maps (I have that set) and I would LOVE to get the flags too! It is just the best thing ever!!!!! Thanks for hosting!
I follow you on FB!
I follow you on GFC!!!!
I follow Montessori Print Shop on FB!
Appreciate your ideas and site SO much. My 5 almost 6 year old is crazy about flags and maps. This would be a wonderful addition to our home school. Pick us! :-) Thanks for all your hard work!
I love this application! Brilliant ideas!
following Counting Coconuts on facebook.
Following MPS on facebook as well.
What a great idea to use for our Around the world with Daddy we are doing.
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kelly r
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i would love the chance to win this material!
I would love to win this!!
csherlock78 at gmail dot com
I like Counting Coconuts on Facebook!
Colleen Sherlock
csherlock78 at gmail dot com
I like montessori printshop on facebook!
Colleen Sherlock
csherlock 78 at gmail dot com
I have liked Montessori Print Shop on FB.
How exciting!! I love this and it would be perfect for my kindergartener!
I like CC on FB!
I like MP on FB, too!
You're in my blog reader, and I LOVE following you. :)
I am following you via GFC.
This is great. What a wonderful addition to the classroom it would be!!!
I am now a follower and happy to be one!!! Just found your site.
You have an awesome web site. Thanks so much for this give away. It would be such a treat to win it.
Ooo this would be great! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
i like you on facebook (amber n cj bowman)
i like MPS on facebook (amber n cj bowman)
i follow via google pickledpandasATgmailDOTcom
Would love to have this for my primary and LE kiddos! Thanks for offering this giveaway!
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