Friday, January 22, 2010

Muffin Tin Meal - The Letter M

In honor of our M week, I made this yummy muffin tin meal for James. :) Aside from the marshmallows, he loved everything in this tin.Melon (of the water variety) ;)
Mangoes (dried)

This is just what I had on hand, but if you wanted to make your own M tin, you could add these, too:

Muenster cheese
Mozzarella or Muenster cheese
A little cup of Minestrone
Mashed potatoes

I think we'll do a muffin tin each week based on the letter we're focusing on. Fun!!


Leptir (NataĊĦa) said...

Great idea! Thanks :-)

Anonymous said...

oo very fun! That looks like a delicious meal! Sammy will come eat his marshmallows for him ;-)

Rusheika said...

I like the letter of the week idea.. I have been wanting to tie in the muffin tin idea and had been thinking more along themes...needless to say I haven't started since I haven't had tons of time to plan that out! Using the letter of the week should be much easier! Now why didn't I think of that... must be the pregnancy!!!

Elise said...

What a great idea for putting together a themed muffin tin. This is such a yummy looking slection too!

Theresa Mezo said...

what a great lunch! I think I may have to start doing this for my son.. he would love it! :)

Angela said...

Great idea! we start our letter of the week stuff on Monday! I can't wait to see how Christopher likes this addition to the themes. thank you for sharing.

kewkew said...

Oh I wish I hadn't already done the letter Mm. This is such a creative idea! That is okay, it is stashed away in my memory, one of these days we will do it. We will end up doing the letter Mm again.

Counting Coconuts said...

Thank you! James loves muffin tin meals and always gets so excited when he sees me making them. :)

Jen said...

What fun! Aiden would love this.

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm! What a great tin!

Rebekah Lindenmayer said...

I love this idea! the littles love eating finger foods, what a great way to reinforce the concepts being taught!


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