Thursday, April 7, 2011

Is It a Boy or a Girl??

Another pair of mama made booties. I sewed them by hand and they're completely reversible, which is what I love most about them! You can find the pattern here.

Tomorrow is my 20 week ultrasound scan and we'll be finding out the gender of our Little B! I cannot express just how excited I am! To tide me over, I wonder if any of you want to wager a little guess - boy or girl? Here are a few details you may consider...

:: Baby is due August 22nd.
:: I'm feeling so much better now, but I had "morning" sickness for the first 18 weeks (it was the same with James).
:: I truly have no deep sense of whether it's a boy or a girl. I had two dreams of a girl very early on in my pregnancy, but since then I just see a sweet little bald baby in my dreams.
:: The thought of meat or fish repulses me, but I crave sweets (like candy - NOT ice cream), pickles (I know, how cliche), and pizza.
:: I seem to be carrying "high" in my abdomen.
:: The baby moves around most in early morning and late afternoon.

Oh and remember James' prediction of it being a girl? Well now he's saying there's a girl AND a boy in my tummy! (FYI, there is most definitely only ONE baby in there!)

So what do you think? Humor a pregnant mama and share your guesses with me - I'd love to hear them! I'll share the results with you tomorrow!

~Thank you for your comments!~


Anonymous said...

oohh most certainly a girl!! :-) Can't wait to find out! Love the booties!

MomE said...

I'm voting girl! But more because I would like my next one to be a girl than anything fact-based. :P

Adina said...

I say it's a girl :)
Have you picked a name already? :)

Christy Killoran said...

How exciting! My 20 wk ultrasound is on the 20th and I can't wait!

I will guess girl!

Debbie said...

I guess GIRL. : )

Kim B. said...

Take the age you were when you conceived and add the number of the month that the baby is due (+8 in your case). If it's odd, it's a boy. If it's even, it's a girl. It's worked with everyone, we've tried it on to date.

Sarakenobi said...

I am going to say it's a boy! because everyone needs to be "blessed" with two rambunctious boys :-p and by "blessed" I mean "cursed" :)

mom of 2 and 4 year old boys

Crazy Christine said...

I'm guessing girl! Just because I have 2 good girl friends that were born on August 22nd! Good luck.

Sara said...

Boy! Only because I have two and it's a blast. :)

Theprincessandthetot said...

I'm going to guess another boy!

Amy said...

I'll guess girl. Mostly because your details sound a lot like my pregnancies and my first was a boy, like James, and my second (and third) were girls. Enjoy your ultrasound! :)

Mama Mandy said...

I will guess that James will have a little sister.

Stephanie said...

Hmmmm....I am SO excited! I know that sounds almost stalkerish! lol But I really am happy for you!
So lets see.....I guess a girl! I will base this on the dreams. With both my girls early on I had dreams of them being girls, later in the dreams they were just faceless babies! :) I cant wait to find out either!

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

I am so excited! I was thinking girl, but now I am thinking boy (just guessing, not bassed on anything).


Anonymous said...

I would say girl. I just found out that I am having a boy and most seems totally opposite: I am carrying low, he's active at night and I sweets are not my friend right now.

Anonymous said...

My guess ... a little brother for James. They'll grow up like two peas in a pod :)

Anonymous said...

I guess it's a little brother for James! They'll grow up like two peas in a pod :)

Ashlea said...

I love this, Mari-Ann! I just had a baby a month ago and played the same guessing game; my mom was exactly right with gender, date of birth, AND birthweight!
I am guessing.....girl.
Can't wait to hear the news!

Powers Fam said...

I love guessing games! I'm hoping and guessing it's a girl. One of each is so much fun.

nunu said...

i vote girl! great booties - i have to see if i can make them as i only know how to hand sew...

Astor said...

I guess girl. But baby bump pics from about the same time in each pregnancy would make it more fun to guess!

Fiona said...

How exciting! I'm going to guess girl, just for fun. By the way, I LOVE the booties! I look forward to hearing if it's a girl or a boy tomorrow!

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

I vote boy :) Can't wait to see the results. Whoever it is, the booties are awesome!

Princess Kwangware said...

I like girls so I will say its a girl.

Sandie said...

Isn't is all so exciting? *big hugs*

I'll throw a guess out and say boy. Have fun tomorrow! :)

Joyful Learner said...

50% chance of being right...a girl, just because. :)

medina family said...

I'll guess boy...but boy or girl, they'll be one lucky baby to have a creative mama like you!

Grace said...

I guess BOY because I think it is fun to have two of the same gender!

Gigi said...

I think it will be a girl!:)

Sara said...

Either way, Congratulations! I find out next Tuesday and I can't wait!

Mommy to the Princesses said...

I think another you are going to have another boy! Oh.. boy or girl, the baby is so lucky to be in your loving family!

Leigh said...

I'm going with girl. Not sure why. Although with Mason I was SURE he was a girl, 100%. I was so shocked when we found out he was a boy (at 20 weeks, too), that when they took my blood pressure afterwards, they asked me if I was okay, it was so low. My point being, my gut instinct isn't a great predictor. Can't wait to read the results!

Alison said...

Craving sweets? You are sooooo having a girl! Have you tried that chinese gender prediction table?

Robinson's Round-Up said...

Girl!!! Your blog is amazing!! Thanks for all the great ideas...I have 28 3,4 and5 year olds and they are loving the things I get from your blog!!! Thanks for making a busy teachers life a little easier!!!

Elle Belles Bows said...

Love the booties!

I am guessing girl!

Enjoy the ultrasound. What a precious moment!


Fiona said...

Ohh, girl.
It sounds just like my second pregnancy, and although we didn't find out the sex, I was convinced it was a boy - WRONG.
So I say girl.

Alicia said...

Boy is what popped in my head. But I am an awful guesser at this!

Corrie said...


Michelle Gibson said...

I want to say girl :D but we we were so sure it was a girl and we had a boy. So boy. =)

The Sunshine Crew said...

What exciting news that you are expecting! Love the booties you made! Either way, it will be such a blessing.
Will be thinking of you and wishing you smooth sailing through the rest of your pregnancy:)

Guess I will vote for boy, since we have two boys and they are best buddies...
but a little girl would be a wonderful blessing too...

Marta said...

Boa sorte amanhã, e venha nos contar o que será, menino ou menina. Acho que vai ser uma menininha....Ah, eu fiz uma caixa sensorial como estas que você faz, é simples e singela, mas gostei da idéia por isso tente fazer uma, coloquei a foto no meu blog, se quiser pode dar uma olhadinha e sua opnião, que é muito importante para mim....


The Crafting Foodie said...

I'm so excited for you! Hmmmm, I'm not really good at predicting, but every single one of my friends/relatives who've had a dream about the sex of their child was correct. So, based upon that unscientific data (!), and based on your dream, I would go with a baby...girl!

Unknown said...

I am thinking a girl also. Will be looking forward to hearing the news.

Lulu said...

I think a girl too!

I am a mum of two boys though so that would be nice too :D

Blueberries N Cucumbers said...

The pickles and candy say it all: GIRL! Or maybe that's the hormonal cravings?! ;)

Mummyzilla said...

Girl - based on the sweet cravings.

Bren said...

My guess is a little girl. Love your blog!

Pam said...

I think it's a girl based on what you are craving. I've had 2 girls and 2 boys and with the girls I craved sweets and with the boys I craved meat/protein.

Blessings to you whichever you are carrying!

Elise said...

I had cravings for savoury foods with both of my girls and sweets for my little boy. I know you said you had cravings for sweets like candy, but you also mentioned pizza and pickles.

I'm going to say girl and can't wait to pop back tomorrow and find out.

Wishing you all the best with your scan and hoping that your little baby does indeed make his or gender known!

The booties you made are adorable.

Darcey said...

I'm going to guess boy. Those booties are cute!

Lisa said...


AppleGreen said...

hmm, girl! let us know!


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