Friday, April 16, 2010

April Sensory Tub & Playdough - Rainbows

James and I are rainbow fanatics so I declared April to be our rainbow month! My next few posts will be filled with various theme related activities so stay tuned!

Rainbow Sensory Tub

I think this is my favorite tub out of the ones I've done so far (click here to see others). I added lots of goodies for James to seek and find. He will love it! See if you can spot the following inside:

::Shredded paper
::Homemade puffs (we used them for a PL activity here)
::Glass marbles
::Dyed popsicle sticks
::Wooden beads
::Flowers (cut from a lei)

I also added a small basket for James to store his finds and a strawberry huller - you know, just in case James gets a hankerin' to do some tonging :)


As always, I used my go-to homemade playdough recipe from here. I didn't add any scent to these this time around, and the green ball is actually from our St. Patrick's Day dough. :)

I think James is going to be so excited to see such a variety of colors and I can't wait to see how they look all mixed together! (Yes, that does go against my usual type-A/OCD personality - maybe I'm chilling out a little in my old age?)

Lots of fun cookie cutters from...

my ridiculously large stash! Anyone care to take a guess at just how many cutters are in this bin? I'll send a little package of these to whomever comes closest to the correct number. Ha! An impromptu mini-giveaway! :D

The magic number is 126! Theresa guessed it on the nose! :-) Oh and check out how groovy all these colors look together...
I'm glad I caught this shot when I did because the colors have since been mixed even more thoroughly and now resemble something out of a diaper. ;)


Packer Family said...

110 lol:)

Susan-Chasing Marcus said...

My guess is 111. 101 for the set that you have (I think we have the same one!) and 10 more for any additional ones you have added!

Looks like a great bin.

I sent you an email earlier in the week but my email has been eating messages and not sending them out. Did it get to you? No need to hurry to write back, just wanted to make sure it got to you!

Unknown said...

I thought my cookie cutter stash was large. I'm guessing 150. Nice and round and more than mine.

Love reading about your homeschool activities.

Mommy Moment said...

Why not Lucky 101

GREAT post Mari-Ann! So colorful and beautiful!


Clarissa said...

55 cutters! Love all the different coloured playdough

Classroomfree said...

Looks great - thanks for the playdough recipe link :) I sorted out mine today and got rid of the not so good stuff. Sorted through all of our cookie cutters too. I think we may have a very similar set to yours - I recognised lots of the shapes. We've mixed and matched many sets over the years, I dread to think how many we have! :)

Lisa @ Our Country Road said...

You win, that is the BEST sensory bucket ever. I want to come play with it!!

jojoebi-designs said...

I would say, 78!

Montessori Bee said...

Now that's a lot of cookie cutters!! I'm guessing 64.
Love all the colors

sbswtp said...

Such a colorful post! I love your sensory tub :) I linked to you this week in my school post :)....and my guess is 47:)

Michelle said...

Great rainbow sensory tub, I love how it looks!

I am guessing 101 cookie cutters :0)

Unknown said...

The rainbow dough is super cute. Can't wait to try the dough recipe. Double the fun with the variety of cookie cutters. I'm guessing around 68 in your large stash...

Karen said...

So colorfull!! I love your rainbow month idea!!! LOVE IT!!! Me encanta!! love your sensory tub!!!


Anonymous said...

Probably WAY off, but I'm guessing 68. Love your blog by the way! You inspire me!

Tammy said...

HAHA, Your cookie cutter stash looks like mine. I'm going to guess 101 because that's how many I have.

The Activity Mom said...

Love your sensory box. So colorful! I'd guess 120 cutters. =)

Theresa Mezo said...

Mari-Ann, your sensory tubs are gorgeous, your latest one is the best yet!
I'll try a guess.. 126?? :)

Elise said...

My guess is 133!

We love rainbows here too and get super excited when we see them.

Exploring your sensory tub would be such a Fun experience. James is going to love it!

crazytown mama said...

i'm guessing 148 :) (i'm building a stash too...they're so much fun! and you can usually find them after the holidays cheap too! :)


Anonymous said...

What an awesome sensory box! I would love to play with it! I am going to guess 131. Seems like more than 100 and 31 was always my softball number so it seems like a good number to go with :-P

Cara said...

That sensory tub is SO GORGEOUS to look at, and I'm sure it is every bit as fun to play with, too! Love the rainbow theme!

You DO have a lot of cookie cutters! Mine are all scattered out, but I bet I could give you a run for your money in the cookie cutter department. ;) I'm guessing there are about 80 pictured.

Gidget Girl Reading said...

101 cookie cutters

Deborah Stewart said...

I love all these bright colors!

Domestic CEO said...

I was planning to focus on rainbows this coming week, so your blog gave me some great ideas that I hadn't thought of yet. Thank you!! I have lots of different materials of all different colors that I can add to my sensory table. I think I'll start it and encourage the kids to think of other things that we can add.

Anonymous said...

I think there are 150 cookie cutters in the bin.

Jen said...

Hehe you are so funny! BEAUTIFUL tub this month! Wow, the colors are so vibrant.
Wah I missed the mini giveaway. Doesn't matter though, my guess would've been waaaay off now that I see the actual number.

Анна said...

I've never seen so many different sensory tubs before (looked through older posts as well)!!!! So many ideas! Fantastic!!!!

The Sunshine Crew said...

Awesome ideas for rainbow themed work! Love all of the sensory tubs you do!
Will have to try to set up a rainbow sensory tub sometime soon, too.

Susana said...

Oh my gosh! You are awesome! I am so doing this rainbow theme with Jack after we finish what I have planned the next couple weeks.

Your blog is extraordinary by the way!

Pip said...

Looks stuning and very inviting to play with. thats the key with most things... making it eye catching and fun to try!! well done on another fun topic!

Unknown said...

It looks so lovely when it's all mixed up - can just imagine the colour it was by the end :-)

I would love for you to link up at the Mommy Archive. We're focused on playdough, gak, gloop (aka stretchy stuff) this week but you can also link up fab old play posts into other topics including science, reading, imaginative play etc Alice@ Mums Make Lists x


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