Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December Poem PDF

I've had quite a few requests for a copy of my December poem from our poetry basket and I'm happy to share it. Here's the link for the PDF:


I simply printed this with a color printer, used a marker to dot under each word (this makes it easier for the child to read along) and then I laminated it. I also created a little "reading stick" (a popsicle stick with a googly eye at the top) that James uses to follow along with the poem.

As always, my printables are for your personal use only - please do not sell or offer them in a giveaway. Thank you!


Warrior Mom/ Warrior Daughter said...

Yippee! Thanks so much! I can't wait to use it with my girls! I am going to print it right now!!Thanks again!!

Beach Mama said...

Thanks for the poem. I cannot seem to access the link. Indicates that page is not available.

Counting Coconuts said...

I *think* I fixed the problem - let me know if it's still not working.

Anonymous said...

awww love it!! Thanks for sharing :-) Sammy will love this!

Olives and Pickles said...

Mari Ann,
I have a question for you, where do you storage your pictures..at Picasa? I'm almost out of space I will need to purchase some more.What do you recomend?
Thank you for your time!
big hugs!

Jessie, The Education Of Ours said...

Wow! Thanks! This is so exciting :) And with my new laminator.....lucky day for Jessie!

Jen said...

We're all so lucky to have you!

Stephanie Dahl said...

Thank you for sharing this! I have to say, you are so wonderful about helping the rest of us along! Many thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love the poem and the eyeball marker.

Blueberries N Cucumbers said...

Alright. I am now obsessed with all your ideas. Can you just fly to Utah and turn our playroom into a school room... this is a great blog. Now I need help finding your wood alphabet cards and how to make your calendar. You should start selling items on Etsy (many people would buy)!

Jackie Higgins said...

I love the eyeball pointer. What a good reminder to "Look". One of my favorite quotes by Marie Clay is, "Reading begins with looking and ends when you stop looking." It's amazing how many early readers forget they need to LOOK at the text :)

Jill @ A Mom With A Lesson Plan said...

I love this idea! My son is just learning to read and I think add a poetry basket to the play room would be an excellent idea!


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