I created this "gender chart" (for lack of a better name) for James so he could learn the proper pronouns and titles associated with males and females. He sometimes confuses he/she, her/him, his/hers, etc. Since he's able to read just about anything now and since he's such a visual kind of learner, I thought this would be a fun chart for him to learn from. I know more could be added to this list, but I just chose basic pronouns and titles - ones he uses in day to day conversation.
Click here to download a copy of your own. I should note the images are from Google Images and they aren't of the best quality. As always, my printables are for your personal use only. Please do not sell or offer them in a giveaway - thanks!

~Thank you for your comments!~
yes please! :)
I recently found your blog and love it. You have inspired me to do what I always thought I wanted to do. I am a stay-at-home mom and I have twin girls who will be three in September and I am in the process of converting our playroom into a Montessori classroom. I have ordered a bunch of material and love your ideas. I am also thinking of taking the on-line course to get certified. I would love a copy of this PDF. My girls mix she/her all the time. Thanks again for being such a wonderful inspiration.
P.S. Can you add and RSS feed to your blog so I can follow with my Google reader. I am a fan on Facebook too.
This is an amazing resource!
I would LOVE a copy. Our daughter is struggling through this concept right now. Perfect timing!
I'd love to have a copy. Bella is working on this very topic right now. It's harder to differentiate male/female than I originally realized. There is a lot of use of the word "Usually." "usually boys have shorter hair" etc.
Thanks you for sharing so generously! I've gotten a lot of inspiration from your blog, and even though my lil one is only 18 months, I get something from each of your posts!
Hello there.
It is good to be able sharing info about homeschooling. I am a homeschooling boy from Malaysia. I leave in an island called Langkawi.
Thank you for sharing and all the best for your family. Please visit my homeschooling blog.Thank you.
My 2 year old isn't reading yet, but I am filing this away for another year.
I know you wouldn't want to share it overly personalized, but did you consider putting images of your family and friends at the top or with some of the words?
Thanks for your comments and emails - I'm so I could share this printable with all of you!
@lady: yep, our version is personalized. :)
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