The Your Blog is Over the Top Award

1. Where is your cell phone? no clue. I never know where my phone is, nor do I usually care.
2.Your hair? lookin' a little dry. Time for some deep conditioning.
3. Your mother? in heaven.
4. Your father? hardworking, young at heart, my number one fan. :)
5. Your favorite food? potatoes. I love 'em any way you make 'em.
6. Your dream last night? don't remember.
7. Your favorite drink? grape juice with ice in a tall, plastic cup. Yes, I'm picky like that.
8. Your dream/goal? to be a good person.
9. What room are you in? our office.
10. Your hobby? I have lots! Crafting, sewing, scrapbooking, knitting, photography, gardening, writing, reading, shopping...
11. Your fear? death.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? happy, healthy, and surrounded by love.
13. Where were you last night? at home studying.
14. Something you aren’t? political.
15. Muffins? lemon zucchini.
16. Wish list item? sewing machine.
17. Where did you grow up? St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
18. Last thing you did? kissed my sweet baby James goodnight.
19. What are you wearing? a nice, warm, cable knit sweater. (It's cold here, people!)
20. Your TV? making annoying sports sounds in the other room. ;)
21. Your pets? both are sleeping away the hours on our bed. Gotta love the life of a cat.
22. Your friends? far, far away. :(
23. Your life? a complete and total blessing.
24. Your mood? happy, but tired.
25. Missing someone? Celly Sue.
26. Vehicle? a Toyota and some type of foreign scooter... I have no idea what make it is. These things don't matter to me. I had to look out my window just to confirm we have a Toyota!
27. Something you’re not wearing? socks. (my woolly slippers are doing a fine job on their own!)
28. Your favorite store? depends on the need/desire. First that comes to mind is Antropologie - loooove their clothes.
29. Your favorite color? blue.
30. When was the last time you laughed? a few minutes ago.
31. Last time you cried? yesterday.
32. Your best friend? I am blessed to have 2! Paul and Dana (aka Celly Sue).
33. One place that I go to over and over? the grocery store.
34. One person who emails me regularly? My papa.
35. Favorite place to eat? that's a toughie... lots of good places... I'd say El Burrito in Minnesota. I grew up on Mexican food and this place is the only place that makes beans and tortillas the way my grandma does!
I'm passing this award on to...
Itty Bitty Love
Adventures Of Bear
Quixotic Life
Turning Ordinary Into Extraordinary
What DID We Do All Day
Adventures Of Bear
Quixotic Life
Turning Ordinary Into Extraordinary
What DID We Do All Day
The rules for accepting this award:
- Put the logo on your blog (copy and paste it) or within your post.
- Answer the questions I've listed above (this is optional, of course).
- Nominate 5 (or more) blogs to pass the award on to.
- Link the nominees in your post.
- Let the nominees know you've given them this award by commenting on their blog.
- Share the love and link back to the person from whom you received this award.
~Page down for Part III~
Yay me!! Thanks heaps, Mari-Anne xoxox
Don't you just love bloggy awards! Makes us feel so loved. Loved getting to know you better! Potatoes in any form is my favorite food as well!
Oh, I so love your answer to the car question! I always thought that I am a bit weird because I honestly do not know what car I own. I know it is blue! And if there is another similar blue car parked close to it I can really get very confused! :-) I really so don't care what brand it is ... but people often ask what kind of car I have and you should see the look at their face when I answer "I don't know. It's blue and old." :-) At least now I know that I am not the only one who does not care ... :-)
Quixotic, you're very welcome! LOVE your blog!
Lindsay, yep - blog awards are like warm fuzzies. :)
Miss Muffin, glad to know I'm not the only one who isn't vehicle obsessed! I used to live in a part of the US that is, sadly, very materialistic. BMW's, Mercedes and Porches as far as the eye can see... and there was me in my little Mazda, happy as a clam! :)
OMG what a lot of awards... of course you deserve each and every one and then some!
I am loving these lists you're making. It's nice to get to know you even better. I don't know how you live without knowing where your cell phone is, but I admire that about you.
PS, You've reached your goal already... you ARE a GREAT person!
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