This is an excellent gift for kids to give to Dad or Grandparents or anyone, really.
I make mine on and I'm always very pleased with the results. Of course there are lots of other places that do this, too, but I'm partial to Kodak. :) I've been doing this every year since James was born and each year I make 3 copies of the same calendar - one for James to give his daddy and 2 others for James to give to grandparents. And at $20 a piece, it's a fairly inexpensive gift that's packed with smiles and will last the whole year. Oh and bonus - it makes an excellent keepsake!
This year I think James will actually be able to help me make the calendar. He can choose the pictures and I'll click them into place. The beauty of the calendars is that you can personalize them, too. You can add special dates, quotes or personal messages.
I'm sure there are some crafty mamas out there who can come up with lots of ways to make a calendar by hand, too! I just chose to go the electronic route because the quality of the pictures and durability of the calendar are a bit better this way. :)
Photo Books are a another lovely, personalized gift. Perfect for anyone. Little ones love looking at pictures of people and places they know!

Again, I make mine through because I like their book options. This one I made using the Eric Carle theme because James, like a billion other kids in this world, loves the What Do You See series. I used the caption spaces to write a "story" so we can read it to him. I made another smaller book from our trip to the Turks & Caicos this fall. He loves looking through these books.
This year I think James will actually be able to help me make the calendar. He can choose the pictures and I'll click them into place. The beauty of the calendars is that you can personalize them, too. You can add special dates, quotes or personal messages.
I'm sure there are some crafty mamas out there who can come up with lots of ways to make a calendar by hand, too! I just chose to go the electronic route because the quality of the pictures and durability of the calendar are a bit better this way. :)
Photo Books are a another lovely, personalized gift. Perfect for anyone. Little ones love looking at pictures of people and places they know!
I LOVED looking at the different pix of the family, it made the day go by a bit easier!
Great gift ideas! I love the Eric Carle book:)
Just wanted to say You Rock!! I can't believe how many great activities you prepare for your son. You must be highly organised and very productive!! I also had a problem with people not being able to leave comments when I first started my blog and had to change the format to a popup comment box. I always want to leave a comment after I read your posts but I view them in Google reader and am not sure how to leave a comment there without going directly to the blog?
I have that Eric Carle photo book too- I just thought it was too cute!
Thank you for your comments!! Montessori Beginnings, I *try* to be organized and productive, but believe me, that's not always the case! :)
Oh please, you are the most organised person I know! You modest little mouse you.
These are great gift ideas! I'm going to make one for Bill from the boys tonight.
I made one of these books using mixbook. I plan to do a post about in sometime in January after I finally get it in the mail!
I too love those photo books. I use Shutterfly for the books and Picasa software to organize my pictures. Have you heard about where you get a free photo book every month, including shipping? I'll be ordering one soon to check out the quality.
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